FGM Risk Indication System


The Practitioner resource represents the healthcare professional who authored the FGM RIS Query.

Follow this link to view examples for Spine-Practitioner-1-0: Examples
NameCard.TypeDescription & Constraints
..PractitionerDomainResourceA person with a formal responsibility in the provisioning of healthcare or related services

...identifierA identifier for the person as this agent
Slice: Ordering: Ordered, Discriminator: system, Rules: Closed

...identifier (SDS User ID)1..1IdentifierThe SDS identifier that uniquely identifies the person as this agent

....system1..1UriThe namespace for the identifier
Fixed Value: urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:id:SDSUserID

....value1..1StringThe value that is unique
Example Value: G12345678

...identifier (SDS Role Profile ID)1..1IdentifierThe SDS identifier that uniquely identifies the role profile of the person as this agent

....system1..1UriThe namespace for the identifier
Fixed Value: urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:id:SDSRoleProfileID

....value1..1StringThe value that is unique
Example Value: PT1234

...practitionerRole0..1BackboneElementThe list of Roles/Organizations that the Practitioner is associated with

....managingOrganization1..1spine-organization-1-0The Organization where the Practitioner performs the roles associated

.....reference1..1StringRelative URL reference
Example Value: Organization/13daadee-26e1-4d6a-9e6a-7f4af9b58878