Message | This document describes the mapping of the Message class in the Send Batch RMIM into a local ITS. |
BatchControlActItemRequest | A message Control Act which is mandatory and occurs for each message interaction. It carries the interaction identifier and unique message identifier of the message interaction. |
[1..1] interaction (II) | The interaction identifier is a unique reference to the message type, trigger event and application roles that send and receive the message. The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:
[1..1] messageId (II) | A
unique identifier of the message interaction. The Identifier Global datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:
This message identifier is used to match a request and response pair, a query and query response pair and a message and message acknowledgement pair. It shall be echoed in the batchControlActItemRespond.refToMessageId attribute of the response to this message. |
[1..1] subject | Refers to the subject act of the message. |
[1..1] typeCode (CS) | Indicates that the domain payload entry point act is the subject of
the Control Act.
[1..1] contextConductionInd (CS) | A value indicating whether any of the other participations, eg.
"author", are inherited by the domain payload. In this context the value attribute is a fixed value of "false" indicating that none of the author participations shall be inherited. |
Batch Subject | The entry point into the domain payload. |