Message This document describes the mapping of the Message class in the RMIM into a local ITS.
BatchControlActItemRespond A message Control Act which is mandatory and occurs for each message interaction. It carries the interaction identifier and unique message identifier of the message interaction and the unique identifier of the message being responded to.
[1..1]  interaction (II) The interaction identifier is a unique reference to the message type, trigger event and application roles that send and receive the message.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value 2.16.840.1.113883. 
  • The extension attribute shall contain the interaction identifier
[1..1] messageId (II) A unique identifier for this acknowledgement or response message.

The Identifier Global datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

A DCE UUID is held in the root attribute
[1..1] refToMessageId (II) The unique identifier of the message being acknowledged. This is the identifier from the BatchControlActItemRequest.messageId attribute of the message being acknowledged.

The Identifier Global datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:
  • A UUID is held in the root attribute
[0..*]  reason Identifies the relationship between the control act and the detected issue event.

Mandatory when an error has been detected by the receiving system during it's processing of the message being acknowledged.

[1..1]  typeCode (CS) Indicates that this is a reason.
  • Fixed value: "RSON"
[1..1]  justifyingDetectedIssueEvent Details of the detected issue.
DetectedIssueEvent Details of the error that has been detected by the receiving system.

A structural error  is defined as one relating to the delivery of the message or it's structure.
A business issue or error is defined as being one that is related to the information conveyed by the message evaluated in context by the processing application.

[1..1]  classCode (CS) Indicates that the act is an alert.
  • Fixed value: "ALRT"
[1..1]  moodCode (CS) Indicates that this is an alert that has occurred.
  • Fixed value: "EVN".
[1..1]  code (CD {CNE:ActDetectedIssueCode})

Structural Error

In a batched interaction, a structural error is reported in the DetectedIssueEvent related to the interaction in error. The code shall contain a qualifier sub element to indicate the severity of the issue. NB. In a non batched interaction a structural error would be reported in the acknowledgementDetail class of the transmission wrapper where the typeCode and code attributes would carry the severity code and error code respectively.

The Coded Qualified datatype flavour shall be used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute shall contain a code from the AcknowledgementExceptionCode vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute shall contain the appropriate OID
  • The displayName attribute is optional and shall contain the textual description of the code
  • The originalText sub element is optional and may contain the text used as the basis for the coding
  • The qualifier sub element is required and shall contain one of the qualifier codes identified under DetectedIssueQualifier together with the appropriate OID.

This concept implies the setting of Batch.Message.acknowledgement.typeCode to "AR" - Application Acknowledgement Reject in MIM 4.1.01.

Business Error

All business issues and errors shall be reported using DetectedIssueEvent.code. The code shall contain a qualifier sub element to indicate the severity of the issue or error.

The Coded Qualified datatype flavour shall be used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute is required and shall contain a value from one of the code systems identified under ActDetectedIssueCode
  • The displayName attribute is optional and may contain the textual description of the code
  • The codeSystem attribute is required and shall contain an OID as appropriate.
  • The originalText sub element is optional and may contain the text used as the basis for the coding
  • The qualifier sub element is required and shall contain one of the qualifier codes identified under DetectedIssueQualifier together with the appropriate OID.

This concept implies the setting of Batch.Message.acknowledgement.typeCode to "AE" - Application Acknowledgement Error in MIM 4.1.01.

[0..1]  subject Refers to the subject act of the message.

Mandatory when the interaction carries a domain payload.

[1..1]  typeCode Indicates that a domain payload entry point act is the subject of the Control Act.
  • Fixed value "SUBJ"
[1..1]  contextConductionInd A value indicating whether any of the other participations, eg. "author", are inherited by the domain payload.

In this context the value attribute is a fixed value of "false" indicating that none of the author participations shall be inherited.
[0..1]  queryAck Information related to a query response.
Batch Subject The entry point into the domain payload.
QueryAck Information related to a query response.

Mandatory when the interaction is a query response.

[1..1]  queryResponseCode (CS {CNE:QueryResponse}) This allows the responding system to return a code that classifies the general nature of the query response.

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

The code attribute shall contain a value from the list of codes in the QueryResponse vocabulary.