PdsAllocateNhsNumberRequest - tabular view

No Current Link To VocabularyCoded With ExtensionsCoded No Extensions

A heading for providing information about a request to allocate a NHS number for a patient.

Used by:
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:REG} ){ Fixed="REG " }

Indicates that this is a registration.

  • Fixed value: "REG" (Registration)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the PdsRegistrationRequest element.

[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:RQO} ){ Fixed="RQO " }

Indicates that this is a registration which is being requested.

  • Fixed value: "RQO" (Request or Order)

The moodCode is carried as an attribute of the PdsRegistrationRequest element.

[1..1] subject

A heading for providing a link to the subject of the PDS registration request, i.e. the patient.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SBJ} ){ Fixed="SBJ " }

Indicates that the patient's record is the subject.

  • Fixed value: "SBJ" (Subject)

The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the subject element.

[1..1] patientRole (PatientRole)

A heading for providing details about the patient.  

[1..1] author

A heading for providing a link to the party authoring the PDS registration request.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:AUT} ){ Fixed="AUT " }

Defines the type of participation of the linked party to the PDS registration, i.e. that the linked party is the author (registration authority).

  • Fixed value: "AUT" (Author [originator])

The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the author element.

[1..1] registeringAuthority (RegisteringAuthority)

A heading for providing details of the authority for the PDS registration.


A heading for providing details about the patient.

Used by: PdsRegistrationRequest
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:PAT} ){ Fixed="PAT " }

Indicates that the role is that of a patient.

  • Fixed value: "PAT" (Patient)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the patientRole element.

[1..*] addr (SET<AD>)

To provide one or more addresses of the patient.

An address is composed of the following components:

  • Between one and five unstructured address lines;
  • Postcode;
  • A PAF (postal address file) key;
  • In the case of a temporary address, a textual description of nature of the address may also be provided;
  • An effective from date may be provided for every address; an effective to date may also be provided for any address.

The first and last of these components are required to be present with any address.

The type of address is required to be identified by using one of the following codes in the use attribute:

  • H - usual address;
  • TMP - temporary address;
  • PST - correspondence address.

The following sub-elements are used to carry the components of an address:

  • Between one and five streetAddressLine elements are used to carry unstructured address lines, with the order in which they are carried in the message being significant, i.e. the first occurrence of the streetAddressLine element is used to carry the first line of address, the second occurrence of the streetAddressLine element is used to carry the second line of address etc. NB: addresses updating the PDS shall conform to the NHAIS address format, where specific streetAddressLine elements contain specific address information, as follows:
    • The first streetAddressLine element shall contain Premises ID (House Name) (or be present and have no value or a null flavor if there is no Premises ID);
    • The second streetAddressLine element shall contain House Number and / or Thoroughfare (or be present and have no value or a null flavor if there is neither of these); at least one of the first streetAddressLine element and second streetAddressLine element shall have a non-null value;
    • The third streetAddressLine element shall contain Locality (or be present and have no value or a null flavor if there is no locality);
    • The fourth streetAddressLine element shall contain Post Town (this shall be a non-null value);
    • The fifth streetAddressLine element shall contain County (or have no value or a null flavor or be absent if there is no county).
  • A postalCode element is used to carry a postcode;
  • An addressKey element is used to carry a PAF key;
  • For a temporary address only, a desc element is used to carry a textual description of nature of the address.

For any address, the useablePeriod sub-element is required to indicate dates from and to which the address was/is to be effective. This mechanism allows previous addresses of any of the three types listed above to be carried in the message and distinguished from current addresses. These effective dates are indicated, in the following way:

  • The low sub-element of the useablePeriod element is required to be present with the date from which the address was effective provided in YYYYMMDD format in the value attribute;
  • The high sub-element of the useablePeriod element may optionally be present with the date to which the address was/is to be effective provided in YYYYMMDD format in the value attribute.
[0..*] telecom (SET<TEL>)

To provide zero or more telecommunication numbers of the patient, together with the contact method for each. These two items of information are carried in the value attribute, separated by a colon character. The contact method will be one of the following values:

  • tel (for telephone numbers);
  • fax (for fax numbers);
  • mailto (for e-mail addresses);
  • textphone (for minicom or textphone numbers).

In addition, for each telecommunication number, one occurrence of the use attribute is required to indicate the context for the telecommunication number, using the following values:

  • H - A communication address at a home;
  • HP - The primary home, to reach a person after business hours;
  • HV - A vacation home, to reach a person while on vacation;
  • WP - An office address;
  • AS - An automated answering machine;
  • EC - A contact specifically designated to be used for emergencies;
  • PG - A paging device suitable to solicit a callback or to leave a very short message;
  • MC - A telecommunication device that moves and stays with its owner.

For any telecommunication number, the useablePeriod sub-element is required to be used to indicate dates from and to which the telecommunication number was/is to be effective. This mechanism allows previous telecommunication numbers of any of the types listed above to be carried in the message and distinguished from current telecommunication numbers. These effective dates are indicated, in the following way:

  • The low sub-element of the useablePeriod element is required to be present with the date from which the telecommunication number was effective provided in YYYYMMDD format in the value attribute;
  • The high sub-element of the useablePeriod element may optionally be present with the date to which the telecommunication number was/is to be effective provided in YYYYMMDD format in the value attribute.
[1..1] patientPerson (Person)

A heading for providing information about the person who is the identified patient.

[0..1] subjectOf2

A heading for indicating that the patient is the subject of the associated preferred contact method.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SBJ} ){ Fixed="SBJ " }

Indicates that the patient is the subject of the associated preferred contact method.

  • Fixed value: "SBJ" (Subject)

The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the subjectOf2 element.

[1..1] preferredContactMethod (PreferredContactMethod)

A heading for providing information about how a person would prefer to be contacted.

[0..1] subjectOf3

A heading for indicating that the patient is the subject of the associated preferred written communication format information.  

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SBJ} ){ Fixed="SBJ " }

Indicates that the patient is the subject of the associated preferred written communication format information.

  • Fixed value: "SBJ" (Subject)

The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the subjectOf3 element.

[1..1] preferredWrittenCommunicationFormat (PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat)

A heading for providing the preferred written communication format information.

[0..1] subjectOf4

A heading for indicating that the patient is the subject of the associated shared secret.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SBJ} ){ Fixed="SBJ " }

Indicates that the patient is the subject of the associated Shared secret.

  • Fixed value: "SBJ" (Subject)

The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the subjectOf4 element.

[1..1] sharedSecret (SharedSecret)

A heading for providing information about the patient's Shared secret.

[1..1] subjectOf5

A heading for indicating that the patient is the subject of the associated previous NHS contact information.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SBJ} ){ Fixed="SBJ " }

Indicates that the patient is the subject of the associated previous NHS contact information.

  • Fixed value: "SBJ" (Subject)

The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the subjectOf5 element.

[1..1] previousNhsContact (PreviousNhsContact)

A heading for providing information about whether the patient has had previous NHS contact.


A heading for providing details of the authority for the PDS registration.

Used by: PdsRegistrationRequest
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:ASSIGNED} ){ Fixed="ASSIGNED " }

Indicates that the role is that of an assigning authority.

  • Fixed value: "ASSIGNED" (Assigned entity)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the registeringAuthority element.

[1..1] code (CV {CNE:RegisteringAuthorityType} )

To indicate the type of registering authority in coded form.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the RegisteringAuthorityType vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the RegisteringAuthorityType vocabulary.
[0..1] assignedRegisteringPerson (RegisteringPerson)

A heading for providing information about a person who is authoring a PDS registration.

This information shall be present where the registering authority is NHAIS.

This information shall not be present where the registering authority is not NHAIS.

[1..1] representedRegisteringOrganization (RegisteringOrganization)

A heading for providing information about the organization responsible for authoring a PDS registration.


A heading for providing information about the person who is the identified patient.

Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:PSN} ){ Fixed="PSN " }

Indicates that the entity is a person.

  • Fixed value: "PSN" (Person)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the patientPerson element.

[1..1] determinerCode (CS {CNE:INSTANCE} ){ Fixed="INSTANCE " }

Indicates that the entity is a single identifiable person.

  • Fixed value: "INSTANCE" (Specific)

The determinerCode is carried as an attribute of the patientPerson element.

[1..*] name (SET<PN>)

To provide one or more structured names of the patient.

There shall be a single occurrence of the usual name.

Zero or more occurrences of previous names may also be provided.

Zero or more occurrences of alias names may also be provided.

Zero or one occurrence of a preferred name may also be provided.

The following sub-elements are used to carry components of a structured name:

  • A single instance of the prefix element is used to carry a name title, for example, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc;
  • One or more instances of the given element are used to carry given names (or forenames) or initials, with the order in which they are carried in the message being significant, i.e. the first occurrence of the given element is used to carry the first given name, the second occurrence of the given element is used to carry the second given name etc;
  • A single instance of the family element is used to carry the family name (or surname);
  • A single instance of the suffix element is used to carry a name prefix, for example, Jnr, Snr etc.

Where the usual name is being carried, this is required to be indicated with a value of "L" in the use attribute.

Where an alias name is being carried, this is required to be indicated with a value of "A" in the use attribute.

Where a preferred name is being carried, this is required to be indicated with a value of "PREFERRED" in the use attribute.

Where a previous name is being carried, this is required to be indicated with one of the following values given in the use attribute:

  • "PREVIOUS-BIRTH" is used to indicate a birth name;
  • "PREVIOUS-MAIDEN" is used to indicate a maiden name;
  • "PREVIOUS-BACHELOR" is used to indicate a bachelor name;
  • "PREVIOUS" is used to indicate any other kind of previous name.

For the usual and previous name types, the validTime sub-element may be used to indicate dates from and to which the name was/is to be effective, in the following way:

  • The low sub-element of the validTime element may optionally be present with the date from which the name was effective provided in YYYYMMDD format in the value attribute;
  • The high sub-element of the validTime element may optionally be present with the date to which the name was/is to be effective provided in YYYYMMDD format in the value attribute.
[1..1] administrativeGenderCode (CS {CNE:Sex} )

To provide the current registered sex of the patient in coded form.

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the Sex vocabulary;
[1..1] birthTime (TS)

To provide the date the patient was born.

The date shall be given in the following format:


The Date Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The value attribute will contain the date value in the format indicated.
[0..*] playedOtherProviderPatient (OtherProviderPatient)

A heading for providing details about the patient when associated with other providers, such as registered GP/GP Practice or pharmacies nominated by the patient.

[0..1] languageCommunication (LanguageCommunication)

A heading for providing information about the language preferred by the person where it is not English.


A heading for providing information about a person who is authoring a PDS registration.

This information shall be present where the registering authority is NHAIS.

This information shall not be present where the registering authority is not NHAIS.

Used by: RegisteringAuthority
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:PSN} ){ Fixed="PSN " }

Indicates that the entity is a person.

  • Fixed value: "PSN" (Person)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the assignedRegisteringPerson element.

[1..1] determinerCode (CS {CNE:INSTANCE} ){ Fixed="INSTANCE " }

Indicates that the entity is a single identifiable person.

  • Fixed value: "INSTANCE" (Specific)

The determinerCode is carried as an attribute of the assignedRegisteringPerson element.

[1..1] id (II)

To provide the user ID of registering person within the NHAIS system.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:-

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883.";
  • The extension attribute will contain the user ID itself.

A heading for providing information about the organization responsible for authoring a PDS registration.

Used by: RegisteringAuthority
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:ORG} ){ Fixed="ORG " }

Indicates that the entity is an organization.

  • Fixed value: "ORG" (Organization)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the representedRegisteringOrganization element.

[1..1] determinerCode (CS {CNE:INSTANCE} ){ Fixed="INSTANCE " }

Indicates that the entity is a single identifiable organization.

  • Fixed value: "INSTANCE" (Specific)

The determinerCode is carried as an attribute of the representedRegisteringOrganization element.

[1..1] id (II)

To provide the nationally recognised identifier for the registering organization.

Where the type of registering organization is NHAIS, this identifier will be the 2/3 character NHAIS cypher.

Where the type of registering organization is not NHAIS (e.g. a PCT or NHS Trust), this identifier will be the national organisation code.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:-

A NHAIS cypher is carried in the following way:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883.";
  • The extension attribute will contain the NHAIS cypher itself.

A national organisation code is carried in the following way:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883.";
  • The extension attribute will contain the national organisation code itself.

A heading for providing details about the patient when associated with other providers, such as registered GP/GP Practice or pharmacies nominated by the patient.

The otherProviderPatient grouping may occur zero or one time to identify the patient's GP/GP Practice to be registered on the PDS.

The otherProviderPatient grouping may occur between zero and three times, once for each type of pharmacy details to be registered on the PDS.

NB: Primary Care Provider shall only be updated by NHAIS/NSTS or a GP/GP Practice.

NB: Only NCRS compliant pharmacies may be selected.

Used by: Person
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:PAT} ){ Fixed="PAT " }

Indicates that the role is that of a patient.

  • Fixed value: "PAT" (Patient)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the playedOtherProviderPatient element.

[1..1] subjectOf

A heading for indicating that the patient is the subject of the associated patient care provision.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SBJ} ){ Fixed="SBJ " }

Indicates that the patient is the subject of the associated patient care provision.

  • Fixed value: "SBJ" (Subject)

The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the subjectOf element.

[1..1] patientCareProvision (PatientCareProvision)

A heading for defining a relationship between a patient and his/her primary care provider (registered GP / GP Practice) or for a specific healthcare facility such as a type of pharmacy.


A heading for providing information about the language preferred by the person where it is not English.

Used by: Person
[1..1] languageCode (CS {CNE:HumanLanguage} )

To provide the language in coded form.

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the HumanLanguage vocabulary.
[1..1] proficiencyLevelCode (CV {CNE:InterpreterRequiredIndiciator} )

To provide the interpreter required indicator in coded form.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the InterpreterRequiredIndicator vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the InterpreterRequiredIndicator vocabulary.
[1..1] preferenceInd (BL)

An indicator specifying whether or not the language is preferred by the person.

As the requirement for PDS is to only provide the language preferred by the person where it is not English, the preferenceInd shall be set to "true".


A heading for providing information about how a person would prefer to be contacted.

Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:OBS} ){ Fixed="OBS " }

Indicates that this is an observation.

  • Fixed value: "OBS" (Observation)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the preferredContactMethod element.

[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is an observation which has occurred.

  • Fixed value: "EVN" (Event)

The moodCode is carried as an attribute of the preferredContactMethod element.

[1..1] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType} )

To provide the type of observation in coded form.

In this context, the type of observation is an observation of patient preferred contact method.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain value "9" (Preferred contact method) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary.
[0..1] value (CV {CWE:PreferredContactMethod} )

To provide the type of preferred patient contact in coded form.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the PreferredContactMethod vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the PreferredContactMethod vocabulary.
[0..1] pertinentInformation

A heading for providing a link to information pertinent to the preferred contact method.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:PERT} ){ Fixed="PERT " }

Defines the type of relationship of the preferred contact times to the preferred contact method, i.e. that the preferred contact times are pertinent to the preferred contact method.

  • Fixed value: "PERT" (Has pertinent information)

The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the pertinentInformation element.

[1..1] pertinentPreferredContactTimes (PreferredContactTimes)

A heading for providing information about times when a patient would prefer to be contacted.


A heading for providing the preferred written communication format information.

Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:OBS} ){ Fixed="OBS " }

Indicates that this is an observation.

  • Fixed value: "OBS" (Observation)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the preferredWrittenCommunicationFormat element.

[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is an observation which has occurred.

  • Fixed value: "EVN" (Event)

The moodCode is carried as an attribute of the preferredWrittenCommunicationFormat element.

[1..1] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType} )

To provide the type of observation in coded form.

In this context, the type of observation is an observation of the preferred written communication format.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain value "13" (Preferred written communication format) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary.
[1..1] value (CV {CWE:PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat} )

To provide the preferred written communication format in coded form.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • the code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat vocabulary.

A heading for providing information about the patient's Shared secret.

Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:OBS} ){ Fixed="OBS " }

Indicates that this is an observation.

  • Fixed value: "OBS" (Observation)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the sharedSecret element.

[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is an observation which has occurred.

  • Fixed value: "EVN" (Event)

The moodCode is carried as an attribute of the sharedSecret element.

[1..1] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType} )

To provide the type of observation in coded form.

In this context, the type of observation is an observation of a shared secret.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain value "15" (Shared secret) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary.
[1..1] value (ST)

To provide the patient's shared secret (defined as personal information provided by the patient to be used by a call centre in verifying that the caller is this patient) as a text string of encrypted characters.


A heading for providing information about whether the patient has had previous NHS contact.

Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:OBS} ){ Fixed="OBS " }

Indicates that this is an observation.

  • Fixed value: "OBS" (Observation)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the previousNhsContact element.

[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is an observation which has occurred.

  • Fixed value: "EVN" (Event)

The moodCode is carried as an attribute of the previousNhsContact element.

[1..1] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType} )

To provide the type of observation in coded form.

In this context, the type of observation is an observation of previous NHS contact information.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain value "17" (Previous NHS contact) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary.
[1..1] value (CV {CWE:PreviousNhsContact} )

To provide the previous NHS contact information in coded form.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the PreviousNhsContact vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the PreviousNhsContact vocabulary.

A heading for defining a relationship between a patient and his/her primary care provider (registered GP / GP Practice) or for a specific healthcare facility such as a type of pharmacy.

Used by: OtherProviderPatient
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:PCPR} ){ Fixed="PCPR " }

Indicates that this is a patient care provision.

  • Fixed value: "PCPR" (Patient Care Provision)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the patientCareProvision element.

[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is a defined patient care provision which has occurred.

  • Fixed value: "EVN" (Event)

The moodCode is carried as an attribute of the patientCareProvision element.

[1..1] code (CV {CNE:PatientCareProvisionType} )

To provide the type of defined patient care provision, such as primary care provider (registered GP / GP Practice) or a type of pharmacy, in coded form.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the PatientCareProvisionType vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the PatientCareProvisionType vocabulary.
[0..1] effectiveTime (IVL<TS>)

To provide a date interval during which the patient care provision was effective.

This is optionally present where the patient care provision type is "Primary care".

This shall not be present where the patient care provision type is not "Primary care".

The Date Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The low sub-element may be present with the date from which the patient care provision was effective, provided in YYYYMMDD format in the value attribute. NB: This date shall not be in the future;
  • The high sub-element may optionally be present with the date to which the the patient care provision was effective provided in YYYYMMDD format in the value attribute. NB: This date shall not be in the future.
[1..1] responsibleParty

A heading for providing a link to the party responsible for the patient care provision.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:RESP} ){ Fixed="RESP " }

Defines the type of participation of the linked party to the patient care provision, i.e. that the linked party is responsible for the patient care provision.

  • Fixed value: "RESP" (Responsible party)

The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the responsibleParty element.

[1..1] healthCareProvider (HealthCareProvider)

A heading for providing details about a provider responsible for the patient care provision. In this context, this will be either GP / GP Practice the patient is registered with or a type of pharmacy.


A heading for providing information about times when a patient would prefer to be contacted.

Used by: PreferredContactMethod
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:OBS} ){ Fixed="OBS " }

Indicates that this is an observation.

  • Fixed value: "OBS" (Observation)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the pertinentPreferredContactTimes element.

[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is an observation which has occurred.

  • Fixed value: "EVN" (Event)

The moodCode is carried as an attribute of the pertinentPreferredContactTimes element.

[1..1] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType} )

To provide the type of observation in coded form.

In this context, the type of observation is an observation of patient preferred contact times.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain value "10" (Preferred contact times) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary.
[1..1] value (ST)

To provide preferred contact times as a text string, e.g. Evenings only; Monday mornings between 09:00 and 12:00; etc.


A heading for providing details about a provider responsible for the patient care provision. In this context, this will be either GP / GP Practice the patient is registered with or a type of pharmacy.

Used by: PatientCareProvision
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:PROV} ){ Fixed="PROV " }

Indicates that the role is that of a provider.

  • Fixed value: "PROV" (Healthcare provider)

The classCode is carried as an attribute of the healthCareProvider element.

[1..1] id (II)

To provide the nationally recognised identifier for the provider.

Where the type of patient care provision is primary care, this identifier will be a national GP code or national GP Practice code.

Where the type of patient care provision is type of pharmacy, this identifier will be a national pharmacy identifier.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:-

A national GP code is carried in the following way:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883.";
  • The extension attribute will contain the national GP code itself.

A national GP Practice code is carried in the following way:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883.";
  • The extension attribute will contain the national GP Practice code itself.

A national Pharmacy code is carried in the following way:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883.";
  • The extension attribute will contain the national Pharmacy code itself.