QUPC_RM130000UK04 |
ControlActEvent |
The controlling act of the query provides access to the query parameters. |
Used by: |
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:CACT} ){ Fixed="CACT" } |
Indicates that this is a control act.
The classCode is carried as an attribute of the ControlActEvent element. |
[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN" } |
Indicates that the control act mood is an event.
The moodCode is carried as an attribute of the ControlActEvent element. |
[0..1] author |
A participation referring to a person who is logged in at the time the message is initiated.
The participation is optional.
CONSTRAINT: An instance shall be present when the message is initiated by a person. It shall not be present when the message is automatically initiated by a system/system.
CONSTRAINT: An instance shall be present if DissentOverride.value > 0, i.e. is overriden. |
[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:AUT} ){ Fixed="AUT" } |
Indicates that the role has author responsibility.
The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the author element. |
[1..1] participant [CMET: UKCT_MT120901UK01] |
NPfIT CMET to identify a person fulfilling a specific role where the Person, Role Profile and Job Role are all mandatory. Full details of the person, role profile and job role are available from SDS.
In this context the person is the signed in user for the user session responsible for initiating the message. |
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[1..2] author1 |
A participation referring to one or more systems that are involved in the initiation of the message.
One instance of the participation is mandatory and shall carry the accredited service id of the system in use at the time the message is initiated.
One instance of the participation is optional and may carry the workstation id of the system being used by the logged in user at the time the message is initiated. |
[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:AUT} ){ Fixed="AUT" } |
Indicates that the role has author responsibility.
The typeCode is carried as an attribute of the author1 element. |
[1..1] participant [CMET: UKCT_MT121001UK01] |
NPfIT CMET to identify a mandatory system which could be software or hardware. Full details of the system are available from SDS.
In this context the system is a system in use at the time the message is initiated. |
| |
[1..1] query (Query) |
A link to information about the query. |
Query |
Information about the query, in this case, a request for a list of the details of all the messages sent to PSIS for a specific patient. |
Used by: ControlActEvent |
[1..1] dissentOverride (DissentOverride) |
A link to details of Dissent Override. |
[1..1] nHSNumber (NHSNumber) |
A link to one of the query parameters. |
DissentOverride |
To provide information about Dissent Override. |
Used by: Query |
[1..1] value (CV {CNE:DissentOverride} ) |
To provide the value of the Dissent Override parameter.
Where "No override" is being indicated, the Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:
- The code attribute will contain value "0" from the list of codes in the DissentOverride vocabulary;
- The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the DissentOverride vocabulary.
Where an override reason is being indicated, the Coded with Original Text datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:
- The code attribute will contain a value other than "0" from the list of codes in the DissentOverride vocabulary;
- The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID referenced in the DissentOverride vocabulary;
- The displayName attribute will contain the text meaning of the code;
- The originalText sub-element will contain the textual explanation of the reason for dissent override upon which the code is based.
Note: If DissentOverride > 0 (i.e. true) then an instance of R_AgentNPFITPersonSDSWithRoleId (Author) must exist. |
[1..1] semanticsText (ST) |
A literal text string identifying the parameter item.
<semanticsText>DissentOverride</semanticsText> |
NHSNumber |
This query parameter holds the NHS number of the patient for whom the event list is being requested.
The NHSNumber parameter shall occur once. |
Used by: Query |
[1..1] value (II) |
To provide the value of the NHS number for the patient.
The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:-
- The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883.";
- The extension attribute will contain the NHS number itself.
<!-- NHS number --> <value root="2.16.840.1.113883." extension="9900002784"/> |
[1..1] semanticsText (ST) |
A literal text string identifying the parameter item.
<semanticsText>NHSNumber</semanticsText> |