usecase: 02. Generate Initial GP Summary (Send GP Summary ( text ) - REPC_MT150002UK04)

public usecase: 02. Generate Initial GP Summary (Send GP Summary ( text ) - REPC_MT150002UK04)
Project: Phase: 1.0; Status: Proposed; Version: 1.0; Complexity: 1
Dates: Created: 21/03/2006 22:52:24; Modified: 21/06/2006 13:55:00;
Flags: Active: false; IsRoot: false; IsLeaf: false;
Extension Points:
UUID: {CED43A74-992D-457f-B73C-0ECA4386E786}

Goto: Constraints, Scenarios

See also: NHS Summary Record (GP Summary receiving system), Administrator

Appears in: GP Summary Use Cases

02. Generate Initial GP Summary (Send GP Summary ( text ) - REPC_MT150002UK04) Constraint
Constraint Type Status Detail
Send an Initial GP Summary to the NHS Summary Record Goal Approved To create the Initial GP Summary and upload it to the patient’s NHS Summary Record
NB: This will be done for all eligible patients in the practice registration list
Generate an Initial GP Summary Description Approved The Local System will identify medications, allergies and adverse reactions data held in a patient’s record and will populate an Initial GP Summary message which will be sent to the patient’s NHS Summaryl Record.
See GP Summary, Guidance for Suppliers, NPFIT-SHR-MODL-SUMREC-0008.(current) for a full definition of what should be included in this summary
Administrator invokes generation of Initial GP Summary message Trigger Approved The trigger event for the Initial GP Summary upload is that the GP practice system has passed data quality checks and has filtered the correct data from the patient's record and has been scheduled to carry out it's GP Summary uploads. Summaries for individual patients will be sent as individual messages, the sending of these messages to the NHS Summary Record may be done in bulk.
Patient registration, NPfIT compliance, LRs Pre-condition Approved See GP Summary, Guidance for Suppliers, NPFIT-SHR-MODL-SUMREC-0008.(current)
Existence of previous Initial General Practice Summary for a patient Pre-condition Approved An Initial GP Summary does not already exist on the NHS Summary Record for this patient.
An Initial GP Summary will have beeen uploaded for this patient Post-condition Approved An Initial GP Summary will be uploaded to the patients NHS Summary Record
Patient Participation Business Rules Approved An Initial GP Summary will be created for this patient. NB all patients will have an initial upload sent to the NHS Summary Record
What to include in the summary Business Rules Approved Refer to GP Summary, Guidance for Suppliers, NPFIT-SHR-MODL-SUMREC-0008.(current)
02. Generate Initial GP Summary (Send GP Summary ( text ) - REPC_MT150002UK04) Scenarios
Scenario Type Detail
Generate Initial GP Summary Basic Path 1. The Local System identifies the patient’s record.
2. Local System identifies items from the patients local clinical record
-refer to GP Summary, Guidance for Suppliers, NPFIT-SHR-MODL-SUMREC-0008.(current)
3. The Local System populates the Initial GP Summary message with the above items.
4. The Local System sends the GP Summary message to the patient’s NHS Summary Record.
5. The NHS Summary Record system stores the Initial GP Summary message.
6. The NHS Summary Record system acknowledges receipt of the Initial GP Summary message.
7. End.
2a Nothing to identify in the local clinical record Alternate 1. The Local System does not identify any allergies, adverse reactions and/or prescriptions in the patient’s local record.
2. The Local System creates a GP Summary message that states 'The local system did not contain any relevant entries for inclusion in the Initial GP Summary'
3. Return to line 4 in the basic path.