eventID |
eventID is the unique ID of the event.
It's of type II-IG (Identifier Global) so it has a root attribute that is
the ID, and no other attributes.
withdrawingEventID |
ID of
the Event (if any) which withdrew this Event
It's of type II-IG (Identifier Global) so it has a root attribute that is
the ID, and no other attributes.
[1..1] payloadID |
The artifact identifier of the payload - ie the type of message
that was used to enter the event into PSIS (such as a Care Event
Report, or a Medication Update). This can be used to determine
which schema is appropriate for validating the event data contained
with the hl7Data element below.
This is not the same as the event type - there may
be a number of event types all associated with a single payload
The payload identifier is of type II and has a root attribute that is the
OID 2.16.840.1.113883. and an extension attribute
that is the payload identifier (eg REPC_MT400101UK06)
persistenceDate |
The date at which the event was entered into PSIS, in yyyyMMddhhmmss
format. This does not necessarily correspond to the date on
which the event occurred.
This is an HL7 timestamp field, which can have a number of different
formats, but PSIS will only use the form that has a value attribute
containing a date in the format yyyyMMddhhmmss.
The psisDate type constrains the HL7 TS (timestamp) to use
only its simplest form - a value attribute containing a date/time
in the format yyyyMMddhhmmss.
eventStatus (CV
) |
The current status of the event.
This is a CV-CP field (Coded Value-Coded Plain), that will have
attributes of codeSystem, code, and displayName.
The codeSystem OID will always be the same, and refers to the PSISDataStatus
NPfIT vocabulary.
The possible values of the status (contained with the "code" attribute) are:
1 - Event is normal
2 - Event has been withdrawn
3 - Event has been replaced
NOTE: these were previously known as "Normal", "Nullified"
and "Replaced" at message level.
eventType |
The type of the event.
This is a CV-CP field (Coded Value-Coded Plain), that will have
attributes of codeSystem, code, and displayName.
The code is extracted from the original HL7 event using the
XPath */code/@code.
The displayName is the name that is registered within PSIS for
the event type.
It should be the same as the displayName in the original HL7
at */code/@displayName, but this is not guaranteed.
author |
The author element contains HL7 that represents the author of
the document; either an individual or an organization. This
is a fragment of HL7 data in the HL7 namespace that has been
extracted by PSIS from the focal act of the event.
Although it is not constrained by the schema, this should either
be an "R_AgentNPFITPersonSDS" (UKCT_MT120301UK02) CMET,
or a "R_AgentNPFITOrgSDS" (UKCT_MT120501UK02) CMET.