S1.1. Identification, Status and Revision

These guidelines describe provisions for consistent identification, indication of status and representation of revisions to statements.

These guidelines apply to the following classes.

EhrStatement / EhrFolder / EhrComposition / LinkSet

... Other attributes and associations omitted ...

[1..1] id (II)

An instance identifier of this statement represented as using the Identifier Global flavour of the II data type.

[1..1] statusCode (CS) {CNE:EhrActState}

Current statements have the status "COMPLETE" implying a valid record of a completed observation.
Statements that have been replaced by a corrected or updated record have the status "OBSOLETE" have are are pointed to by an EhrStatement/replacementOf reference from another statement.
Statements that have been deleted but not replaced have the status "NULLIFIED" and should also be pointed to the EhrStatement/replacementOf reference of an instance of EhrEmpty.
A current statement has the status "COMPLETE" whether or it is new or a revision. The distinction between a new statement and a revised statement is made the presence or absence of the EhrStatement/replacementOf element.

[1..1] availabilityTime (TS)

The system timestamp applied when this information was recorded (or last revised) in the originating system.

[0..1] replacementOf (EhrStatement/replacementOf)

If this statement replaces another component then this association refers to the "OBSOLETE" statement that it revises.

  • NOTE: All revisions are represented by complete replacement of the revised component.

[1..1] typeCode (CS){ Fixed="RPLC " }

Indicates that the source component is a revision of the referenced target component.

[1..1] StatementRef (StatementRef)

Refers to the revised component using a unique identifier.

[1..1] classCode (CS) {CNE:x_ClinicalStatement}

Indicates the class code of the referenced statement.

[1..1] moodCode (CS) {CNE:x_StatementMood}

Indicates the mood code of the referenced statement.

[1..1] id (II)

The instance identifier of the statement revised by this statement.

  • The referenced record component is either present in this communication of which have been previously communicated between the parties involved in this interaction.