R1.1. Requests

The table below shows the intended use of the request statement to represent a request for a service to be provided to the patient by another party. Request statements may include records of referrals and requests for investigations.

RequestStatement (RequestStatement)

A Request statement is an entry that records the submission of a request for a service to be provided to the patient by another party.

Request statements may include records of referrals and investigation requests.

[1..1] classCode (CS){ Fixed="OBS " }

Indicates that the plan related to a requested observation or action.

[1..1] moodCode (CS){ Fixed="RQO " }

Indicates that this is an order or request for an action

[1..1] id (II)

An instance identifier of this statement represented as using the Identifier Global flavour of the II data type.

[1..1] code (CD) {CWE:EhrReferralCode}

A code specifying a the nature of the requested action.

  • The code is taken from a clinical coding scheme approved for use in the realms in which the message is used.
  • This will be a code or concept identifier from the Read Codes, CTV3 and in future SNOMED CT.

[0..1] text (ED)

A textual description of the request. This may include the text of a referral request. The text may include markup.

[1..1] statusCode (CS) {CNE:EhrActState}

Indicates whether the component is complete (current), obsolete (replaced) or nullified (deleted).

[0..1] effectiveTime (TS)

The date and time when the requested action is intended to occur.

[1..1] availabilityTime (TS)

System date and time when this request or referral was recorded on the originating system..

[0..1] responsibleParty (RequestStatement/responsibleParty)

Refers to the person or organisation from whom a service was requested.

[1..1] typeCode (CS){ Fixed="RESP " }

Indicates that this refers to the person or organisation from whom a service was requested.

[0..1] modeCode (CV) {CNE:EhrRequestMode}

Indicates the mode of the request.

  • For example - by phone, standard order form, referral letter, etc.

[1..1] AgentRef (AgentRef)

[1..1] classCode (CS){ Fixed="AGNT " }

[1..1] id (II)

[0..1] participant (EhrStatement/participant)

[1..1] typeCode (CS) {CNE:PRF}

[0..1] time (IVL<TS>)

The date and time at when the request or referral was made.

[1..1] AgentRef (AgentRef)

[1..1] classCode (CS){ Fixed="AGNT " }

[1..1] id (II)