Send Message Payload - tabular view

No Current Link To VocabularyCoded With Extensions

The outer transport wrapper for HL7 V3 composite message payloads.

Used by:
[1..1] id (II)

A unique identifier for this message. 

The Identifier Global datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • A DCE UUID is held in the root attribute

This message identifier is used to match a request and response pair, a query and query response pair and a message and message acknowledgement pair where there is no payload present. It shall be echoed  in the attribute present in the application acknowledgement wrapper of the response to this message.

[1..1] creationTime (TS)

The date and time that the sending system created the message.

[1..1] versionCode (CS {CNE:HL7StandardVersionCode} )

A code which identifies the version of the NPfIT Message Implementation Manual that describes the HL7 version 3 standard used to format the message. This ensures the message will be interpreted correctly.

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute shall contain a value from the list of codes in the HL7StandardVersionCode vocabulary.
[1..1] interactionId (II)

The interaction identifier is a unique reference to the message type, trigger event and application roles that send and receive the message.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value 2.16.840.1.113883. 
  • The extension attribute shall contain the interaction identifier
[1..1] processingCode (CS {CNE:ProcessingID} )

A code identifying the environment that the message must be processed in.

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute shall contain a value from the list of codes in the ProcessingID vocabulary.
[1..1] processingModeCode (CS {CNE:ProcessingMode} )

A code identifying the mode that this message is being sent in.

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute shall contain a value from the list of codes in the ProcessingMode vocabulary.
[1..1] acceptAckCode (CS {CNE:NE} ){ Fixed="NE " }

A code identifiyng the conditions under which accept acknowledgements are required to be returned in response to this message.

Accept acknowledgements are not used by NPfIT therefore this value shall default to "NE", Never send an accept acknowledgement.

[1..*] communicationFunctionRcv (CommunicationFunctionRcv)

Identifying information about the system receiving the message. 

N.B. For implementation purposes, the cardinality of this relationship is currently limited to a single mandatory occurrence. ie. 1..1 

[1..1] communicationFunctionSnd (CommunicationFunctionSnd)

Identifying information about the system sending the message.

[1..1] controlActEvent (ControlActEvent)

A link to the "controlled act" that is being sent in the message.


Details about the receiving system.

Used by: Message
[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:RCV} ){ Fixed="RCV " }

Indicates that the communication function being served is the receiver.

  • Fixed value "RCV"
[1..1] device (Device)

Identifying information about the receiving device.


Details about the sending system.

Used by: Message
[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SND} ){ Fixed="SND " }

Indicates that the communication function being served is the sender.

  • Fixed value "SND"
[1..1] device (Device)

Identifying information about the sending device


The Control Act carries the real content of the message.

Used by: Message
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:CACT} ){ Fixed="CACT " }

Indicates that  this is a Control Act.

  • Fixed value "CACT"
[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that the control act mood is an event.

  • Fixed value "EVN"

The Device class represents the sender and receiver.

Used by: CommunicationFunctionRcvCommunicationFunctionSnd
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:DEV} ){ Fixed="DEV " }

Indicates that the entity is a device.

  • Fixed value "DEV"
[1..1] determinerCode (CS {CNE:INSTANCE} ){ Fixed="INSTANCE " }

Indicates that the entity is a single instance.

  • Fixed value "INSTANCE"
[1..*] id (SET<II>)

A single unique identifier of the accredited system that represents the party who is either sending or receiving the message.

The accredited system is represented by the SDS Accredited Application Instance Id held in the SDS directory as the Accredited System Identifier. This is carried in the following way:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value 1.2.826.0.1285.
  • the extension attribute shall contain the appropriate identifier.

A set of ids allows more than one address identifying the party to be present. This requirement does not exist at present but may be identified in the future.

[0..1] agencyFor (Agent)

An agent role linking device and organisation.


An agent linking device and organisation.

Used by: Device
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:AGNT} ){ Fixed="AGNT " }

Indicates that the role is that of an agent.

  • Fixed value: "AGNT"
[0..1] representedOrganization (Organization)

Identifying information about the organisation.


The organisation of the intended recipient of the message.

This construct shall only be used to identify a specific message recipient and shall not be used with CommunicationFunctionSnd.

The intended recipient information is not for use by Spine applications and shall not be populated by Spine applications.

Used by: Agent
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:ORG} ){ Fixed="ORG " }

Indicates that this is an organisation.

  • Fixed value: "ORG"
[1..1] determinerCode (CS {CNE:INSTANCE} ){ Fixed="INSTANCE " }

Indicates that the entity is a single instance.

  • Fixed value: "INSTANCE"
[1..1] id (II)

An SDS identifier that uniquely identifies the organisation of the intended recipient.   This is carried in the following way:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value 1.2.826.0.1285.0.1.10
  • the extension attribute shall contain the SDS Organisation ID
[0..1] scopedRole2      [CMET: UKCT_MT120501UK03]

NPfIT CMET identifying an Organization fulfilling a specific role.  Full details of the organization are available from SDS.  Details of the scoping organization are either not required or available from SDS.

In this context the optional CMET identifies an SDS workgroup id as the recipient of the message. The only attribute that may be populated in this context is as follows:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value 1.2.826.0.1285.
  • The extension attribute shall contain the SDS workgroup id.
[0..1] scopedRole1      [CMET: UKCT_MT120301UK02]

NPfIT CMET identifying a person fulfilling a specific role. Full details of the person and role profile are available from SDS.

In this context the person is the named intended recipient of the message who shall be identified by an SDS Role Profile Id and an SDS User Id.