Send Batch Wrapper - tabular view

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The Send Batch wrapper forms the outer wrapper for a batch of message interactions.

Used by:
[1..1] id (II)

A unique identifier for this batch.

The Identifier Global datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • A DCE UUID is held in the root attribute

This batch identifier is used to match a batch of interactions with one or more batch responses. It shall be echoed in the attribute present in the batch application acknowledgement wrapper of one or more batch responses responding to this batch.

[1..1] creationTime (TS)

The date and time that the sending system created the batch message.

[1..1] transmissionQuantity (INT)

A count of individual message interactions contained within this batch message.

[1..1] versionCode (CS {CNE:HL7StandardVersionCode} )

A code which identifies the version of the NPfIT Message Implementation Manual that describes the HL7 version 3 standard used to format the batch message.

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute shall contain a value from the list of codes in the HL7StandardVersionCode vocabulary.
[1..1] interactionId (II)

The fixed value interaction identifier that identifies a Send Batch interchange.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute shall contain the value "MCCI_IN200001UKnn" where nn is the latest version number
[1..1] batchSequenceNo (BatchSequenceNo)

A class carrying the sequence number of the batch message within the sequence of batch messages relating to a single business process.

[1..*] manifestItem (ManifestItem)

A class which will occur once for each message interaction in the batch.

[1..1] communicationFunctionRcv (CommunicationFunctionRcv)

Identifying information about the system receiving the message.

[1..1] communicationFunctionSnd (CommunicationFunctionSnd)

Identifying information about the system sending the message.

[1..1] batchControlActEvent (BatchControlActEvent)

The Control Act for the Batch itself.


A parameter carrying a batch sequence number attribute.

The batch sequence number (BSN) is managed by the sender of a batch message.

The BSN is a mechanism for describing the order in which batch messages (either request or response) are sent. This mechanism is used where a business process at the sender generates multiple batch requests or responses.

BSNs must be unique within a single business process. This allows both the sender of the request and the sender of the response to manage sequencing independently.

The BSN will allow the receiver to physically order the in-going interactions for further processing; thus preserving message order. Message ordering is not mandatory behaviour it is the responsibility of the receiver to determine whether it is required.

The BSN can assist the receiver in determining missing batch messages within a sequence. A missing batch message is determined at the receiver by analysing BSNs, and looking for gaps. However, the BSN does not aid the receiver in identifying a lost last Send Batch message. Hence, it is the responsibility of the sender to determine that batch requests have gone missing and have not been processed by the receiver. Application specific behaviour is required to recover from a missing interaction.

Due to the behavioural characteristics of batching, the responses to the individual messages in a request batch interaction can be sent in more than one response interaction. For correlation purposes, the BSN of the batch request interaction is provided in the batch response in an AttentionLine item for an individual message response.

Used by: BatchRequest
[1..1] value (II)

The batch sequence number will be carried in an identifier using the Identifier External datatype flavour as follows:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute shall carry the sequence number

The sequence number shall start at 0 for the first send batch message in a related sequence of batch messages and increment by 1 for each subsequent batch message. The maximum number is 99999999. If the maximum is reached, the sender must re-start at 0.


A class carrying a set of values relating to a specific message interaction present in the batch message. Typically this class will be repeated for each message interaction.

Used by: BatchRequest
[1..1] payloadId (II)

The unique identifier for a specific message interaction contained within the batch.

The Identifier Global datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • A DCE UUID is held in the root attribute
[1..*] manifestValue (ManifestValue)

A value relating to the message interaction identified in payloadId.


Details about the receiving system.

Used by: BatchRequest
[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:RCV} ){ Fixed="RCV " }

Indicates that the communication function being served is the receiver.

  • Fixed value "RCV".
[1..1] device (Device)

Identifying information about the sending device.


Details about the sending system.

Used by: BatchRequest
[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SND} ){ Fixed="SND " }

Indicates that the communication function being served is the sender.

  • Fixed value "SND".
[1..1] device (Device)

Identifying information about the sending device.


A batch Control Act which is mandatory and occurs once within each batch. It allows those participations that are common to all interactions in a batch, author and author1, to be carried once only.

Used by: BatchRequest
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:CACT} ){ Fixed="CACT " }

Indicates that this is Control Act.

  • Fixed value "CACT".
[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is an event.

  • Fixed value "EVN".
[1..2] author1

A participation referring to one or more systems that are involved in the initiation of the batch message.

One instance of the participation is mandatory and shall carry the accredited service id of the system in use at the time the batch message is initiated.

One instance of the participation is optional and may carry the workstation id of the system being used by the logged in user at the time the batch message is initiated.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:AUT} ){ Fixed="AUT " }

Indicates that the role has author responsibility.

  • Fixed value "AUT".
[1..1] agent      [CMET: UKCT_MT121001UK01]

NPfIT CMET to identify a mandatory system which could be software or hardware. Full details of the system are available from SDS.

In this context the system is a system in use at the time the message is initiated. This shall be represented by either the SDS Accredited Application Instance Id held in the SDS directory as the Accredited System Identifier or a locally identifiedworkstation id.

[0..1] author

A participation referring to a person who is logged in at the time the message is initiated.

The participation is optional. It shall be present when the message is initiated by a person. It shall not be present when the message is automatically initiated by a system.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:AUT} ){ Fixed="AUT " }

Indicates that the role has author responsibility.

  • Fixed value "AUT".
[1..1] agent      [CMET: UKCT_MT120901UK01]

NPfIT CMET to identify a person fulfilling a specific role where the Person, Role Profile and JobRole are all mandatory. Full details of the person, role profile and job role are available from SDS.

In this context the person is the signed in user for the user session responsible for initiating the message. The person shall be identified by SDS Role Profile ID, SDS User Id and SDS Role Id.

[1..*] subject

Refers to the subject act of the message.

Mandatory when the interaction carries a domain payload.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SUBJ} ){ Fixed="SUBJ " }

Indicates that the domain payload entry point act is the subject of the Control Act.

  • Fixed value "SUBJ"
[1..1] contextConductionInd (BL)

A value indicating whether any of the other participations, e.g. "author", are inherited by the domain payload.

In this context the value attribute is a fixed value of "false" indicating that none of the author participations shall be inherited.

[1..1] controlAct (ControlAct)

The control act for each item in the batch.


A unique identifier relating to a single message interaction contained in the batch.
In this instance the batch response mandates the inclusion of a single identifier per message interaction:

  • interaction identifier 
Used by: ManifestItem
[1..1] manifestItemKey (CV)

A keyword identifying the type of identifier.

Any of the CodedValue datatype flavours can be used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute shall contain a value from the list of codes in the ManifestItemType vocabulary.

    There shall be one fixed keyword value available in this instance:

    1. "interaction"
[1..1] manifestItemValue (II)

The value pertaining to the keyword carried in manifestItemKey.
Where the keyword is "interaction", the value shall be the interaction identifier of the interaction identified by payloadId.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883.".
  • The extension attribute shall carry the interaction identifier.

The Device class represents the sender and receiver.

Used by: CommunicationFunctionRcv, CommunicationFunctionSnd
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:DEV} ){ Fixed="DEV " }

Indicates that the entity is a device.

  • Fixed value "DEV".
[1..1] determinerCode (CS {CNE:INSTANCE} ){ Fixed="INSTANCE " }

Indicates that the entity is a single instance.

  • Fixed value "INSTANCE".
[1..1] id (II)

A single unique identifier of the accredited system that represents the party who is either sending or receiving the batch.

The accredited system is represented by the SDS Accredited Application Instance Id held in the SDS directory as the Accredited System Identifier (ASID).

The level of resolution of the ASID is dependent on the implementation. Domain implementation guidance SHALL specify the level at which the ASID should be resolved to ensure the sending and receiving end business applications can be identified.

This is carried in the following way:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value "1.2.826.0.1285."
  • the extension attribute shall contain the appropriate identifier.

A set of ids allows more than one address identifying the party to be present. This requirement does not exist at present but may be identified in the future.

[0..1] agencyFor (Agent)

An agent role linking device and organisation.


An agent linking device and organisation.

Used by: Device
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:AGNT} ){ Fixed="AGNT " }

Indicates that the role is that of an agent.

  • Fixed value "AGNT".
[0..1] representedOrganization (Organization)

Identifying information about the organisation.

The Control Act carries administrative information related to the "controlled act" that is being communicated in the message. It is intended that there will be a control act for each request item within the batch.
Used by: BatchControlActEvent
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:CACT} ){ Fixed="CACT " }

Indicates that this is Control Act.

  • Fixed value "CACT".
[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that the control act mood is an event.

  • Fixed value "EVN".
[1..1] id (II)

 A unique identifier for this ControlAct.

The Identifier Global datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • A DCE UUID is held in the root attribute
[1..1] component

Indicates the PayloadInteraction is a component of ControlAct.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:COMP} ){ Fixed="COMP " }

Indicates that this is a component.

  • Fixed value: "COMP"
[1..1] payloadInteraction (PayloadInteraction)

The PayloadInteraction is the unique identifier for the item within the batch. This is used to identify which response corresponds to which batch request item.

[0..1] subject

Refers to the subject act of the message.

Mandatory when the interaction carries a domain payload.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:SUBJ} ){ Fixed="SUBJ " }

Indicates that the domain payload entry point act is the subject of the Control Act.

  • Fixed value "SUBJ"
[1..1] act (Act)

The stub for the domain defined content.

[0..*] reasonOf

Identifies the relationship between the control act and the detected issue event.

[1..1] typeCode (CS {CNE:RSON} ){ Fixed="RSON " }

Indicates that this is a reason.

  • Fixed value: "RSON"
[1..1] justifiedDetectedIssueEvent (DetectedIssueEvent)

Details of the detected issue.

[0..1] queryByParameter (QueryByParameter)

Information about the query, in this case this enables a batch of query requests. 


The organisation of the sender or receiver of the batch.

This construct supports copy recipient addressing. See additional documentation of scoped personRole below.

Where domain specific implementation guidance describing it's population is given, it may also be used in conjunction with an Accredited System Identifier to support addressing of an end system.

These SHALL be the only two cases where it is used.

Used by: Agent
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:ENT} ){ Fixed="ENT " }

 Indicates that this is an organisation

  • Fixed value "ENT".
[1..1] determinerCode (CS {CNE:INSTANCE} ){ Fixed="INSTANCE " }

 Indicates that the entity is a single instance.

  • Fixed value "INSTANCE".
[1..1] id (II)

An SDS identifier that uniquely identifies the organisation of the intended recipient. This is carried in the following way:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value "1.2.826.0.1285.0.1.10"
  • the extension attribute shall contain the SDS Organisation ID.
[0..1] scopedRole2      [CMET: UKCT_MT120501UK03]

NPfIT CMET identifying a person fulfilling a specific role. Full details of the person and role profile are available from SDS.

This construct shall only be used to identify the specific person recipient of a Copy interaction. This shall be the default for addressing copy messages unless superseded by specific domain implementation guidance.

Under no circumstances shall this construct be used for any other addressing.

In this context the person is the named intended recipient of the message who shall be identified by an SDS Role Profile Id and an SDS User Id.

[0..1] scopedRole1      [CMET: UKCT_MT120301UK02]

NPfIT CMET identifying an Organization fulfilling a specific role. Full details of the organization are available from SDS. Details of the scoping organization are either not required or available from SDS.

This construct shall only be used where domain specific guidance describing it's population is given.

In this context the optional CMET identifies an SDS workgroup id as the recipient of the message. The only attribute that may be populated in this context is as follows:

  • The root attribute shall contain an OID with the value "1.2.826.0.1285."
  • The extension attribute shall contain the SDS workgroup id.

Information about the query, in this case this enables a batch of query requests. Note: This must be used for query requests.

Used by: ControlAct

This id enables a Response item to be matched with the correct Query/Request item.

Used by: ControlAct
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:OBS} ){ Fixed="OBS " }

Indicates that this is an observation.

  • Fixed value "OBS".
[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is an event.

  • Fixed value "EVN".
[1..1] id (II)

The unique identifier for a specific message interaction contained within the batch.

The Identifier Global datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • A DCE UUID is held in the root attribute
[1..1] code (CV {CNE:InfrastructureAnnotation} )

Indicates that this is an PayloadInteraction.

  • The codeSystem attribute shall contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The code attribute shall be "PIT".
  • The displayName shall be "Payload Interaction".

This is the stub for the domain defined content. This must not contain a query. For a query the QueryByParameter class should be used.

Used by: ControlAct
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:ACT} ){ Fixed="ACT " }

Indicates that this is an act.

  • Fixed value "ACT".
[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is an event.

  • Fixed value "EVN".

Details of the business issue or error that has been detected by the receiving system.

A business issue or error is defined as being one that is related to the information conveyed by the message evaluated in context by the processing application. 

Used by: ControlAct
[1..1] classCode (CS {CNE:ALRT} ){ Fixed="ALRT " }

Indicates that this is an alert.

  • Fixed value "ALRT".
[1..1] moodCode (CS {CNE:EVN} ){ Fixed="EVN " }

Indicates that this is an event.

  • Fixed value "EVN".
[1..1] code (CD {CNE:ActDetectedIssueCode} )

This allows the responding system to record the business issue or error that has been detected.

All business issues and errors shall be reported using DetectedIssueEvent.code. The code shall contain a qualifier sub element to indicate the severity of the issue or error. 

The Coded Qualified datatype flavour shall be used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute is required and shall contain a value from one of the code systems identified under ActDetectedIssueCode
  • The displayName attribute is optional and may contain the textual description of the code
  • The codeSystem attribute is required and shall contain an OID as appropriate.
  • The originalText sub element is optional and may contain the text used as the basis for the coding 
  • The qualifier sub element is required and  shall contain one of the qualifier codes identified under DetectedIssueQualifier together with the appropriate OID.