Vocabulary for AttachmentCodeSnCT

Code System Id


Version: 2.0
Status: active
Date: 2005-03-22


Indicates the type of content of an attachment.

Does not indicate the binary data type as this is specified by an element within the ED datatype of the attribute containing or referring to the attachment.


Code Description Note
24761000000103 Scanned document

A scanned image of a letter or other document sent or received in relation to patient. Excluding OCR results.

25821000000100 Original Text document

Including wordprocessor files, plain text, and unstructured emails. Excluding structured EDI messages. Excluding results of OCR applied to scanned images.

25841000000107 OCR Text document

Including wordprocessor files and plain text derived by applying OCR to a scanned document.

25831000000103 Image

Excluding scanned documents but including photographs, X-rays and results of other imaging modalities.

24771000000105 Audio dictation

For example a dictated report

37261000000101 Other audio

For example recorded heart sounds

37251000000104 Other digital signal

For example a digital ECG

24891000000101 EDI messages

The value for these is the coded representation of the MessageType codes applicable to the original message. The coding system indicates the source of the message type and hence of the code for identifying that type (e.g. HL7, NHS, etc).

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