Vocabulary for UpdateType

Code System Id


Version: 4.0
Status: active
Date: 2005-03-31


Assgned OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.

Indicates the type of update to the record.


Code Description Note
1 Change to existing data

This value is used where something has been changed, e.g. a new address (i.e. change of address), name change, gender change, something which has been added which wasn't there before.

NB: Where an update message is carrying both changed and corrected data, the UpdateType shall be given as "Change to existing data" only.

2 Correction to existing data

This value is used where an error was made on the original submission, e.g. a misspelling of a name or address line, which is being corrected.

NB: Where an update message is carrying both changed and corrected data, the UpdateType shall be given as "Change to existing data" only.

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