FGM Risk Indication System


The Practitioner resource represents the healthcare professional who authored the FGM RIS Delete Request.

NameCard.TypeDescription & Constraints
..PractitionerDomainResourceA person with a formal responsibility in the provisioning of healthcare or related services

...identifierA identifier for the person as this agent
Slice: Ordering: Ordered, Discriminator: system, Rules: Closed

...identifier (SDS User ID)1..1IdentifierThe SDS identifier that uniquely identifies the person as this agent

....system1..1UriThe namespace for the identifier
Fixed Value http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/sds-user-id

....value1..1StringThe value that is unique
Example Value 200009876204

...identifier (SDS Role Profile ID)1..1IdentifierThe SDS identifier that uniquely identifies the role profile of the person as this agent

....system1..1UriThe namespace for the identifier
Fixed Value http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/sds-role-profile-id

....value1..1StringThe value that is unique
Example Value 100077650987

...practitionerRole0..1BackboneElementThe list of Roles/Organizations that the Practitioner is associated with

....managingOrganization1..1Reference (spine-organization-1-0)The Organization where the Practitioner performs the roles associated

.....reference1..1StringRelative URL reference
Example Value Organization/13daadee-26e1-4d6a-9e6a-7f4af9b58878

Path Name Binding Strength ValueSet
.Practitioner.name.use use Required http://hl7.org/fhir/DSTU2/valueset-name-use


Examples Description XML File
Example-dr-4 Spine-RIS-Practitioner-1-0 Example