FGM Risk Indication System


The Operation Outcome resource supports a collection of error, warning or information messages that result from a FGM RIS Delete Request Response.

NameCard.TypeDescription & Constraints
..OperationOutcomeDomainResourceInformation about the success/failure of an action

...issue1..*BackboneElementA single issue associated with the action

....severity1..1Codefatal | error | warning | information
Binding How the issue affects the success of the action. (http://hl7.org/fhir/DSTU2/valueset-issue-severity)
Binding Strength Required

....code1..1CodeError or warning code
Binding A code that describes the type of issue. (http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/issue-type)
Binding Strength Required

....details1..1CodeableConceptSpine Error or warning code
Binding A coded expression of the type of issue (http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/spine-response-code-2-0)
Binding Strength Required

.....coding1..1CodingCode defined by a terminology system

......system1..1UriSpine Response Codes
Fixed Value http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/spine-response-code-2-0

......code1..1CodeSymbol in syntax defined by the system

......display0..1StringRepresentation defined by the system

.....text0..1StringPlain text representation of the concept

....diagnostics0..1StringAdditional diagnostic information about the issue

Path Name Binding Strength ValueSet
.OperationOutcome.issue.severity severity Required http://hl7.org/fhir/DSTU2/valueset-issue-severity
.OperationOutcome.issue.code code Required http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/issue-type
.OperationOutcome.issue.details details Required http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/spine-response-code-2-0


Examples Description XML File
Example-drr-3a Spine-OperationOutcome-1-0 (NHS Number Invalid) Example