View Javadoc

1   /*
2      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4      You may obtain a copy of the License at
8      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12     limitations under the License.
13  */
14  package uk.nhs.interoperability.client.samples;
16  import;
17  import java.util.HashMap;
18  import java.util.Map;
20  import winstone.Launcher;
22  /**
23   * 
24   * Creates a standalone server for the war - i.e.
25   * provides the entry point for an executable
26   * war file.<br/><br/>
27   * 
28   * For information on how to get this to work and
29   * integration with Maven see:<br/><br/>
30   * 
31   * (for winstone server starting), and<br/>
32   *
33   * for details of maven integration (the example integration is with Jetty)
34   *  
35   * @author Michael Odling-Smee
36   * @author Nicholas Jones
37   * @since 0.1
38   *
39   */
40  public class StandaloneServer {
42  	/**
43  	 * Instantiates a new standalone server.
44  	 */
45  	private StandaloneServer() {		
46  	}
48  	/**
49  	 * Entry point for starting the Standalone Server
50  	 * from the executable war.
51  	 * 
52  	 * Reference to the executable war (itk-samples.war),
53  	 * note this means that you can only run the war
54  	 * from within the directory<br/><br/>
55  	 * 
56  	 * <code>java -jar itk-samples.war</code> will work<br/><br>
57  	 * 
58  	 * <code>java -jar path/to/war/itk-samples.war</code> won't work<br/><br>
59  	 *
60  	 * @param args the arguments
61  	 */
62  	public static void main(String[] args) {
63  		System.out.println("Starting standalone server... ");
64  		StandaloneServer standaloneServer = new StandaloneServer();
65  		standaloneServer.startUp(args);
66  	}
68  	private void startUp(String[] args) {
69  		Launcher winstone = null;
70  		try {
71  			Map<String, String> containerArgs = new HashMap<String, String>();	
73  			/*
74  			 * Tell it to use itself as the war file. The
75  			 * way this works is that Winstone (in the jar
76  			 * path in the itk-samples.war archive) starts
77  			 * and then loads a warfile - which happens to
78  			 * be the same archive
79  			 */
80  			containerArgs.put("warfile", "itk-samples.war");
82  			/*
83  			 * Need to provide a prefix so that configuration
84  			 * is consistent with when it is deployed as a 
85  			 * normal war within an appserver. If this prefix
86  			 * is changed then the routing configuration
87  			 * for callbacks etc. will have to be updated 
88  			 * accordingly
89  			 */
90  			containerArgs.put("prefix", "/itk-samples");
92  			/*
93  			 * Set the HTTP listener port
94  			 */
95  			containerArgs.put("httpPort", "8080");
97  			/*
98  			 * We ship with JSPs so need to indicate
99  			 * that Winstone should use Jasper
100 			 * to compile the JSPs
101 			 */
102 			containerArgs.put("useJasper", "true");
104 			/*
105 			 * Allow command line usage to override 
106 			 */
107 			for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
108 				String currentArg = args[i];
109 				//Check if this is a winstone style directive
110 				if (currentArg.startsWith("--")) {
111 					String key = currentArg.substring(2,  currentArg.indexOf("="));
112 					String value = currentArg.substring(currentArg.indexOf("=") + 1);
113 					containerArgs.put(key, value);
114 				}
115 			}
117 			/*
118 			 * Initialise the logging and launch
119 			 * Winstone
120 			 */
121 			Launcher.initLogger(containerArgs);
122 			winstone = new Launcher(containerArgs); 
124 			/*
125 			 * Need to block whilst Winstone
126 			 * is running
127 			 */
128 			while (winstone.isRunning()) {
129 				try {
130 					Thread.sleep(1000);
131 				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
132 					/*
133 					 * Shutdown winstone is the
134 					 * user presses Cntrl + C or
135 					 * similar
136 					 */
137 					winstone.shutdown(); 
138 				}
139 			}
140 		} catch (IOException e) {
141 			e.printStackTrace();
142 		} finally {
143 			if (winstone != null && winstone.isRunning()) {
144 				/*
145 				 * Belt and braces - to make sure winstone is
146 				 * shut down if any exception bubbles all the way
147 				 * to the top
148 				 */
149 				winstone.shutdown(); 
150 			}
151 		}
152 	}
154 }