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Response Headers

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
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Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-FHIR-Starter,authorization,Prefer,Origin,Accept,X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Access-Control-Request-Method,Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-Powered-By: HAPI FHIR 4.0.3 REST Server (FHIR Server; FHIR 3.0.1/DSTU3)
X-Request-ID: f392590ff0b9f552

Response Body

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<reference value="Practitioner/202214"/>
<display value="Dr K Rodger"/>
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<valueString value="Patient is to be treated and made as comfortable as possible."/>
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<valueDateTime value="2018-08-01T00:00:00+00:00"/>
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<valueString value="The outcome of the CPR would not be of overall benefit to the patient"/>
<linkId value="CPR001.3"/>
<text value="CPR Status Mental Capacity"/>
<valueString value="This person has the mental capacity to participate in making these recommendations. They have been fully involved in the decision making process."/>
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<text value="Coded entry for people involved in the discussion"/>
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<valueString value="Uncle Bob has been made aware of the decision"/>
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<display value="Dr K Rodger"/>
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<text value="Document Name"/>
<valueString value="Lasting power of attorney offical document"/>
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<text value="Document Location"/>
<valueString value="Top left drawer in cabinet located in dining room. Documents are inside blue folder."/>
<linkId value="DOC001.3"/>
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<valueString value="Document drawn up at A B Solictors, Newcastle"/>
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<text value="Preferred Place Of Death (Text)"/>
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<text value="Preferences and Wishes"/>
<valueString value="To be made comfortable and looking out onto garden"/>
<linkId value="PRE001.3"/>
<text value="Domestic Access and Information"/>
<valueString value="A key safe is provided to allow access to the property. Carer and related contact has code."/>
<linkId value="PRE001.4"/>
<text value="Preferences Date Recorded"/>
<valueDateTime value="2019-02-11T00:00:00+00:00"/>
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<birthDate value="1999-10-03"/>
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<type value="physical"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="S"/>
<display value="Never Married"/>
<reference value="Practitioner/203529"/>
<display value="Miss Nichole Gilbert"/>
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<display value="HSCIC test Practice"/>
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<lastUpdated value="2019-03-21T14:14:32.292+00:00"/>
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<system value=""/>
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<display value="MS Emilie KEWN"/>
<onsetDateTime value="2018-07-31T23:00:00+00:00"/>
<reference value="Practitioner/202214"/>
<display value="Dr K Rodger"/>
<fullUrl value=""/>
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<intent value="plan"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="736373009"/>
<display value="End Of Life Care Plan"/>
<text value="End Of Life Care Plan"/>
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<display value="MS Emilie KEWN"/>
<start value="2018-07-31T23:00:00+00:00"/>
<reference value="Practitioner/202214"/>
<display value="Dr K Rodger"/>
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<code value="702779007"/>
<display value="Emergency health care plan agreed"/>
<text value="Emergency health care plan agreed"/>
<status value="not-started"/>
<description value="[18 Sept 2018] This plan is known to the Harrogate Palliative Care Team. If advice needed Monday-Friday 0830-1700 contact the team on 01423 553464. Outside these hours contact Saint Michael's Hospice (Harrogate) on 01423 872 658. [21 Nov 2018] At risk of hypercalcaemia (Corr Ca+ 3.01 on 20th Nov) - symptoms were increased confusion and drowsiness."/>
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<code value="445141005"/>
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<system value=""/>
<code value="735324008"/>
<display value="Treatment escalation plan"/>
<text value="Treatment escalation plan"/>
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<description value="Wants to avoid hospital admission if possible, but would want to consider options as need arises."/>
<fullUrl value=""/>
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<id value="49"/>
<lastUpdated value="2019-03-21T14:14:33.844+00:00"/>
<profile value=""/>
<system value=""/>
<value value="adrt"/>
<status value="completed"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="376201000000102"/>
<display value="Issue of palliative care anticipatory medication box (procedure)"/>
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<display value="MS Emilie KEWN"/>
<fullUrl value=""/>
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<system value=""/>
<value value="adrt"/>
<status value="active"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="816301000000100"/>
<display value="Has ADRT (advance decision to refuse treatment) (Mental Capacity Act 2005)"/>
<reference value="Patient/1184"/>
<display value="MS Emilie KEWN"/>
<reference value="Organization/200269"/>
<display value="Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Nhs Trust"/>
<fullUrl value=""/>
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<display value="MS Emilie KEWN"/>
<dateTime value="2018-08-19T23:00:00+00:00"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="PROV"/>
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<display value="Dr K Rodger"/>
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<system value=""/>
<code value="882981000000105"/>
<display value="Consent given by legitimate patient representative for sharing end of life care coordination record (finding)"/>
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<lastUpdated value="2018-11-30T16:14:18.849+00:00"/>
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<system value=""/>
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<display value="Not for attempted cardiopulmonary resuscitation"/>
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<start value="2018-07-31T23:00:00+00:00"/>
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<text value="Asthma"/>
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<reference value="Practitioner/202214"/>
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<system value=""/>
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<system value=""/>
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<display value="On end of life care register (finding)"/>
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<display value="MS Emilie KEWN"/>
<start value="2018-07-31T23:00:00+00:00"/>
<reference value="Organization/200269"/>
<display value="Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Nhs Trust"/>
<fullUrl value=""/>
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<profile value=""/>
<system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986"/>
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<system value=""/>
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<text value="Performance Status score"/>
<reference value="Patient/1184"/>
<display value="MS Emilie KEWN"/>
<effectiveDateTime value="2018-07-31T23:00:00+00:00"/>
<reference value="Practitioner/202214"/>
<display value="Dr K Rodger"/>
<value value="90.00"/>
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<system value=""/>
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<system value=""/>
<code value="816361000000101"/>
<display value="Has appointed person with personal welfare lasting power of attorney (Mental Capacity Act 2005)"/>
<reference value="Patient/1184"/>
<display value="MS Emilie KEWN"/>
<reference value="Organization/200269"/>
<display value="Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Nhs Trust"/>
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<reference value="Patient/1184"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="HPOWATT"/>
<display value="healthcare power of attorney"/>
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<fullUrl value=""/>
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<id value="1"/>
<lastUpdated value="2018-12-04T16:28:31.771+00:00"/>
<system value=""/>
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<status value="completed"/>
<description value="Limited life expectancy of approximately one year"/>
<reference value="Patient/1184"/>
<display value="MS Emilie KEWN"/>
<date value="2018-08-19T23:00:00+00:00"/>
<reference value="Practitioner/202214"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="845701000000104"/>
<display value="Gold standards framework prognostic indicator stage A (blue) - year plus prognosis (finding)"/>
<text value="Limited life expectancy of approximately one year"/>
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