FGM Risk Indication System

Change History

Version: 1.0; Status: RC1

FGM DMS baselined as Version 1 Release Candidate (RC1).

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft F

Spine-Practitioner-1-0 profile / XML example

  • Practitioner.identifier (SDS User ID) element mandated [1..1]
  • Practitioner.identifier (SDS Role Profile ID) element mandated [1..1]
  • Name element removed from profile
  • PractitionerRole element is now optional [0..1]
  • PractitionerRole.role (SDS Job Role Code) element removed
  • All XML examples amended to support these changes

Spine-Organization-1-0 profile/ XML Example

  • Organization.identifier (ODS Organization Code) element mandated [1..1]
  • All XML examples amended to support these changes

Spine-Request-MessageHeader-1-0 profile/ XML Example

  • MessageHeader.author element is now optional [0..1]
  • MessageHeader.author element Description & Constraints states: "Where the NHS system uses RBAC to access the SPINE FGM Service, the 'author' MUST be referenced in the Spine-Request-MessageHeader".
  • All XML examples amended to support these changes

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft E

Spine-RIS-Parameters-1-0 Profile

The Risk Indicator and NHS Number parameter value 'open type' element (which is represented by the wildcard symbol '*') has been restricted to the String data type only.

Spine-RIS-Parameters-1-0 XML Example

To support the Spine-RIS-Parameters-1-0 profile change, the Risk Indicator and NHS Number parameter.value XML elements have been amended as follows:

  • Risk Indicator: - 'valueString' element replaces 'valueCode' element
  • NHS Number: - 'valueString' element replaces 'valueIdentifier' element

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft D

FGM Resource Name and URL Changes

All FGM FHIR resources are now versioned, identified using URLs (instead of URNs) and their names genericised to allow for future re-use within the Spine 2 interface. The changes are as follows:

Structured Definitions (Profile) URL
Spine-Message-Bundle-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-message-bundle-1-0
Spine-Request-MessageHeader-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-request-messageheader-1-0
Spine-Response-MessageHeader-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-response-messageheader-1-0
Spine-RIS-Flag-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-ris-flag-1-0
Spine-RIS-Patient-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-ris-patient-1-0
Spine-RIS-Parameters-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-ris-parameters-1-0
Spine-Organization-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-organization-1-0
Spine-Practitioner-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-practitioner-1-0
Spine-OperationOutcome-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-operationoutcome-1-0
Value Sets URL
SDS-Job-Role-Name-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/sds-job-role-name-1-0
Message-Event-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/message-event-1-0
Risk-Indicator-Type-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/risk-indicator-type-1-0
Spine-Response-Code-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/spine-response-code-1-0
Identifiers URL
SDS-User-Id http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/sds-user-id
SDS-Role-Profile-Id http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/sds-role-profile-id
ODS-Organization-Code http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/ods-organization-code
ODS-Site-Code http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/ods-site-code
Accredited-System-Id http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/accredited-system-id
NHS-Number http://fhir.nhs.net/Id/nhs-number

Bundle and MessageHeader Profile Changes

The Bundle and MessageHeader Infrastructure resource profiles have been decoupled from the FGM Query/ Response messages to allow for future re-use within the Spine 2 interface.

The 'Spine-Message-Bundle-1-0' Infrastructure resource should be used in both request and response interactions.

FHIR Messaging Architecture

Updated to include the 'FGM Service' implementation details.

FHIR Messages

There is no Spine interface requirement for the meta.lastUpdated Base Resource metadata element. Element has been removed from all the spine-request-messageheader-1-0/ spine-response-messageheader-1-0 FGM examples.

Includes guidance on resource identity and metadata usage within this DMS.

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft C

Where necessary the FGM resource profiles have been aligned with the official release of FHIR DSTU2 1.0.1 (Sept 2015) specification. The profile changes are as follows:

NHS-FGM-MessageHeader-QueryParameters Profile

The MessageHeader.identifier (UUID) element has been removed from the profile, with the MessageHeader.id element (UUID) assuming the same functionality.

The messageHeader.event.code has been changed to: urn:nhs:names:services:clinicals-sync:FGMQuery_1_0

The messageHeader.source.endpoint and messageHeader.destination.endpoint URN format has been changed to: urn:nhs:addressing:asid:047192794544

NHS-FGM-MessageHeader-QueryResponse Profile

The MessageHeader.identifier (UUID) element has been removed from the profile, with the MessageHeader.id element (UUID) assuming the same functionality.

The messageHeader.event.code has been changed to: urn:nhs:names:services:clinicals-sync:FGMQueryResponse_1_0

The query response message now carries the request MessageHeader.id (UUID) in the MessageHeader.response.identifier element so that the source system can pair the response to its request.

The messageHeader.source.endpoint and messageHeader.destination.endpoint URN format has been changed to: urn:nhs:addressing:asid:047192794544

NHS-FGM-Flag Profile

The Patient element has been renamed to 'subject'.

NHS-FGM-OperationOutcome Profile

OperationOutcome.issue.code data type changed to 'code' which is bound to the required FHIR 'issue-type' value-set.

OperationOutcome.issue.details replaces old code/coding elements. It remains bound to the SpineResponseCode value-set.

OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics replaces the description element.

Value-Set SpineResponseCode (urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:vs:SpineResponseCode)

SpineResponseCode codes agreed as follows:

  • FGM-0001 - No FGM Record Found
  • FGM-0002 - NHS Number Invalid
  • FGM-9999 - Message not well formed

Value-Set issue-type (http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/issue-type)

The issue-type codes will be mapped to SpineResponseCode value-set as follows:

  • 'not-found' - FGM-0001
  • 'invalid' - FGM-0002
  • 'structure' - FGM-9999

Value-Set MessageEvent (urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:vs:MessageEvent)

The FGM MessageEvent codes have been amended to URN syntax and the codes are now constructed by prepending the Spine 2 service name (urn:nhs:names:services:clinicals-sync) to the original message event code e.g.urn:nhs:names:services:clinicals-sync:FGMQuery_1_0.

FGM Resource URN

The FGM profile URN syntax have been amended as follows:

Inbound Profiles:

  1. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:bundle:NHS-FGM-Bundle-QueryParameters
  2. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:messageheader:NHS-FGM-MessageHeader-QueryParameters
  3. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:parameters:NHS-FGM-QueryParameters
  4. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:practitioner:NHS-FGM-Practitioner
  5. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:organization:NHS-FGM-Organization

Outbound Profiles:

  1. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:bundle:NHS-FGM-Bundle-QueryResponse
  2. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:messageheader:NHS-FGM-MessageHeader-QueryResponse
  3. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:flag:NHS-FGM-Flag
  4. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:operationoutcome:NHS-FGM-OperationOutcome
  5. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:profile:patient:NHS-FGM-Patient

The FGM identifier URN syntax has been amended as follows:

  1. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:id:SDSUserID
  2. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:id:SDSRoleProfileID
  3. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:id:ODSOrganisationCode
  4. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:id:ODSSiteCode
  5. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:id:AccreditedSystemID
  6. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:id:NHSNumber

The FGM value-set URN syntax has been amended as follows:

  1. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:vs:SDSJobRoleName
  2. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:vs:MessageEvent
  3. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:vs:RiskIndicatorType
  4. urn:x-fhir:uk:nhs:vs:SpineResponseCode


The XML examples have been amended to support all the above changes.

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft B

Changes made to the FGM RIS DMS after initial feedback from Spine 2 development team.

NHS-FGM-QueryParameters Profile

To support Spine 2 identification of the query parameters, the value xml attributes of the Parameters.parameter.name elements are now populated with 'RiskIndicator' and 'NHSNumber' strings respectively.

NHS-FGM-OperationOutcome Profile

OperationOutcome.issue.location element removed from profile as no Spine 2 requirement to return XPath location of the FGM RIS Query 'fatal-error' within the FGM RIS Query Response message.

NHS-FGM-Bundle-QueryResponse (Operation Outcome - No FGM Record Found) Bundle

The OperationOutcome resource is now used to convey a 'No FGM Record Found' response. When a 'No FGM Record Found' bundle is sent, the value xml attributes of the MessageHeader and OperationOutcome resource elements are now populated as follows:

  • MessageHeader.response.code = 'ok'
  • OperationOutcome.issue.severity='information'
  • OperationOutcome.issue.code.coding.code='39999'
  • OperationOutcome.issue.details='No FGM Record Found'

NHS-FGM-Bundle-QueryResponse (Operation Outcome) Bundle

When an 'Operation Outcome' bundle is sent, the value xml attributes of the MessageHeader and OperationOutcome resource elements are now populated as follows:

  • MessageHeader.response.code = 'fatal-error'
  • OperationOutcome.issue.severity='error'
  • OperationOutcome.issue.code.coding.code='39998'
  • OperationOutcome.issue.details='NHS Number Invalid'


The XML examples have been amended to support the resource profile changes.

The JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) examples have been removed from the DMS, as the Spine 2 FGM RIS interface does not support this data format.

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft A

First Draft

First draft of FGM RIS DMS (Version 1.0 Draft A) created to support development of the Spine 2 national FGM Query/ Response FHIR Messaging interface.