Structured Headings
Domain Message Specification


Overview: Structured Headings Model

Structured Headings Model – This HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) model is the generic model that contains all the templates for the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) structured headings, see Ref #1, along with the associated coded entry and participant templates. The model also includes templates from other sources which are not part of the AoMRC headings work.

This Structured Headings Model is not meant for implementation. However, the artefacts contained in this specification are used in conjunction with the rules contained in a separate domain level profile specification. The domain level profile specification details the rules to be applied to this Structured Headings Model for the given domain and is used as input for validation and accreditation purposes.


  • This specification includes artefacts providing guidance for the implementation of NHS Digital CDA domains - for details click on the "Associated Specifications" tab.
  • Validation tools are downloadable from TRUD in the "NHS Interoperability Specifications Tooling Pack" along with further reference material.
  • Within this specification "greyed out" buttons are used where the artefact is not applicable.

Ref #1: Standards for the clinical structure and content of patient records" describes the standards for the structure and content of patient records, covering hospital referral letters, inpatient clerking, handover communications, discharge summaries and outpatient letters. These standards were signed off as fit for purpose by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, and have been recognized by the independent Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB), who were established to oversee the development and maintenance of health and social care records.