Interoperability Toolkit

ITK Behaviour

This section highlights the behaviour of the ITK service with regards to the Distribution Envelope (DE). All ITK implementations will utilize the DE across all ITK transport specifications. The DE behaviours are explained below.

The Acknowledgements shown on the diagrams below are configurable from within the ITK Distribution Envelope. See the Acknowledgement Framework for details.

To Send Distribution Envelope

This service is used to send a Distribution Envelope.

Service Description Send DE
Service Identifier urn:nhs-itk:services:201005:sendDistEnvelope
Purpose To asynchronously send a Distribution Envelope.
Infrastructure Acknowledgements In line with the business Domain Messaging Specification(DMS) requirements, recipients may be required to send an Infrastructure Acknowledgement if the urn:nhs-itk:ns:201005:infackrequested handlingSpecification within the Distribution Envelope is set to true.
Business Acknowledgements In line with the business Domain Messaging Specification(DMS) requirements, recipients may be required to send a Business Acknowledgement if the urn:nhs-itk:ns:201005:ackrequested handlingSpecification within the Distribution Envelope is set to true.
Payloads The Distribution Envelope is used to wrap one or more ITK payloads.
SendDE interactions

To Send and Receive Distribution Envelopes

This service is used to send and receive Distribution Envelopes.

Service Description Send Receive DE
Service Identifier urn:nhs-itk:services:201005:sendRecvDistEnvelop
Purpose To synchronously send a Distribution Envelope.
Infrastructure Acknowledgements In line with the business Domain Messaging Specification(DMS) requirements, recipients may be required to send an Infrastructure Acknowledgement if the urn:nhs-itk:ns:201005:infackrequested handlingSpecification within the Distribution Envelope is set to true
Business Acknowledgements In line with the business Domain Messaging Specification(DMS) requirements, recipients may be required to send a Business Acknowledgement if the urn:nhs-itk:ns:201005:ackrequested handlingSpecification within the Distribution Envelope is set to true.
Payloads The Distribution Envelope is used to wrap one or more ITK payloads.
SendReceiveDE interactions