ADW Admission Type |
| A vocabulary that describes the type of admission in relation to ADW messaging. |
ADW Carer Consultation Status |
| A vocabulary that describes whether the patient's carer has been consulted about information carried in an ADW notice. |
ADW Consultation Status |
| A vocabulary that describes whether the patient has been consulted about information carried in an ADW notice. |
ADW Message Event |
| A subset of codes from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the type of Notice under Schedule 3 of the Care Act 2014. All included codes have a SNOMED refset ID of 75691000000106 for which the fully specified name is 'Notices under Schedule 3 of the Care Act 2014 (record artifact)'. SNOMED defined synonyms have been used for the display element. |
ADW Patient Consent Status |
| A vocabulary that describes whether someone has been consulted about the Assessment Notice. |
ADW Referral Reason |
| A vocabulary that identifies the reason for an ADW referral. |
ADW Third Party Consent Source |
| A vocabulary that specifies the source of consent where the patient lacks mental capacity and consent has been provided by a third party with the appropriate legal status. |
Care Connect Administrative Gender |
| The gender of a person used for administrative purposes. |
Care Connect Encounter Type |
| A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes an encounter between a care professional and the patient (or patient's record). The patient may be represented by a third party such as a carer or family member. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK 'Encounter Type' subset with subset original id 1341000000130; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset fully specified name is 'Clinical document architecture encounter type simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)' with Refset Id 999000351000000101. |
Care Connect Ethnic Category |
| The vocabulary describes the ethnic category which the patient regards as their own, designed to be used with later versions of PDS. It is an extension of the ETHNIC CATEGORY CODE described in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary for England. |
Care Connect Human Language |
| The language used by a person. |
Care Connect Language Ability Mode |
| A valueset to describe the mode the patient can communicate in, representing the method of expression of the language. |
Care Connect Language Ability Proficiency |
| A valueset to describe the level of proficiency in communicating a language. |
Care Connect Marital Status |
| This value set defines the set of codes that can be used to indicate the marital status of a person. |
Marital Status NHS Data Model and Dictionary |
| A vocabulary that identifies the legal marital status of a person. This value set references the Person Marital Status Code from the NHS Data Model and Dictionary. |
Care Connect NHS Number Verification Status |
| NHS number verification status. This valueset is comprised of codes from NHS Data Dictionary: NHS Number Status Indicator Code. |
Care Connect Person Relationship Type |
| A relationship between one person and another. These relationships are not necessarily mutually exclusive, for example a parent may be a child's next of kin. Includes the set of values defined in e-GIF Person Relationship Type. |
Person Stated Gender Code NHS Data Model and Dictionary |
| Person Stated Gender Code is self declared or inferred by observation for those unable to declare their Person Stated Gender. |
Care Connect Registration Status |
| A vocabulary that identifies the status of registration for a patient at the healthcare organisation. |
Care Connect Registration Type |
| A vocabulary that identifies the type of registration for a patient at a healthcare organisation. |
Care Connect Religious Affiliation |
| A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the religious or other belief system affiliation of a person. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK 'Religious Affiliation SnCT' subset with subset original id 10791000000130; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset fully specified name is 'Religious or other belief system affiliation simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)' with Refset Id 999000531000000100. |
Care Connect Residential Status |
| A vocabulary that identifies the residential status of a patient.  |
Care Connect SDS Job Role Name |
| A set of RBAC codes to indicate the job role associated with the person on the smart card. This code list is externally maintained. |
Care Connect Treatment Category |
| A vocabulary that identifies the treatment category for this patient.  |