ITK Implementation
Trigger Events
Integrated Urgent Care Report Interactions
Primary General Practitioner Recipient Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryGeneralPractitionerRecipientIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocument-v3-0)
Communicates Integrated Urgent Care Report to a General Practitioner recipient where the recipient is recommended to act upon information carried in the document. Note: This interaction has a message format that is constrained using HSCIC templates. This format is validated using a two level process. There are two sets of schema one for each level. The sender of this interaction must build all instances to the "on the wire" format using the generic CDA definition indicated in the wire format below. These instances must also conform to the rules stated in the conformance definition indicated in the conformance format below. The second level of validation requires transformation before schema validation can take place. For full details of this validation process please see the "Technical Guidance for Templated CDA Domains" section under the associated specifications tab. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care General Practitioner Receiving System (POCD_AR000005GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Send NHS Integrated Urgent Care Report (Version 2.0) (Input) (SendNHS111Report-v2-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |
Primary General Practitioner Recipient Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document Response (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryGeneralPractitionerRecipientIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocumentResponse-v3-0)
Communicates an Integrated Urgent Care Report response to the Urgent Care caller system. Note: The response message is to be constructed using the FHIR healthcare standard. The message structure and the definition can be found at ITK Bundle. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care General Practitioner Receiving System (POCD_AR000005GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK FHIR Business Acknowledgement Response (ITK-Bundle-1) |
Primary Emergency Department Recipient Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryEmergencyDepartmentRecipientIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocument-v3-0)
Communicates an Integrated Urgent Care Report to a Emergency Department recipient where the recipient is recommended to act upon information carried in the document. Note: This interaction has a message format that is constrained using HSCIC templates. This format is validated using a two level process. There are two sets of schema one for each level. The sender of this interaction must build all instances to the "on the wire" format using the generic CDA definition indicated in the wire format below. These instances must also conform to the rules stated in the conformance definition indicated in the conformance format below. The second level of validation requires transformation before schema validation can take place. For full details of this validation process please see the "Technical Guidance for Templated CDA Domains" section under the associated specifications tab. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Emergency Department Receiving System (POCD_AR000006GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Send NHS Integrated Urgent Care Report (Version 3.0) (Input) (SendNHS111Report-v2-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |
Primary Emergency Department Recipient Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document Response (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryEmergencyDepartmentRecipientIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocumentResponse-v3-0)
Communicates an Integrated Urgent Care Report response to the Urgent Care caller system from the Emergency Department. Note: The response message is to be constructed using the FHIR healthcare standard. The message structure and the definition can be found at ITK Bundle. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Emergency Department Receiving System (POCD_AR000006GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK FHIR Business Acknowledgement Response (ITK-Bundle-1) |
Primary Out of Hour Recipient Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryOutofHourRecipientIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocument-v3-0)
Communicates Integrated Urgent Care Report to a Out of Hour recipient where the recipient is recommended to act upon information carried in the document. Note: This interaction has a message format that is constrained using HSCIC templates. This format is validated using a two level process. There are two sets of schema one for each level. The sender of this interaction must build all instances to the "on the wire" format using the generic CDA definition indicated in the wire format below. These instances must also conform to the rules stated in the conformance definition indicated in the conformance format below. The second level of validation requires transformation before schema validation can take place. For full details of this validation process please see the "Technical Guidance for Templated CDA Domains" section under the associated specifications tab. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Out of Hours Receiving System (POCD_AR000007GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Send NHS Integrated Urgent Care Report (Version 3.0) (Input) (SendNHS111Report-v2-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |
Primary Out of Hour Recipient Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document Response (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryOutofHourRecipientIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocumentResponse-v3-0)
Communicates Integrated Urgent Care Report response to the Urgent Care caller system from the Out of Hour system. Note: The response message is to be constructed using the FHIR healthcare standard. The message structure and the definition can be found at ITK Bundle. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Out of Hours Receiving System (POCD_AR000007GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK FHIR Business Response (ITK-BusinessAck-OperationOutcome-1) |
Primary Repeat Caller Repository Recipient Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryRepeatCallerRepositoryRecipientIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocument-v3-0)
Communicates Integrated Urgent Care Report to a Repeat Caller Repository recipient where the recipient is recommended to act upon information carried in the document. Note: This interaction has a message format that is constrained using HSCIC templates. This format is validated using a two level process. There are two sets of schema one for each level. The sender of this interaction must build all instances to the "on the wire" format using the generic CDA definition indicated in the wire format below. These instances must also conform to the rules stated in the conformance definition indicated in the conformance format below. The second level of validation requires transformation before schema validation can take place. For full details of this validation process please see the "Technical Guidance for Templated CDA Domains" section under the associated specifications tab. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Repository Receiving System (REPC_AR000008GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Send NHS Integrated Urgent Care Report (Version 3.0) (Input) (SendNHS111Report-v2-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |
Copy Recipient Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:copyRecipientIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocument-v3-0)
Communicates Integrated Urgent Care Report to a copy recipient where the document is for information only and NO system action is defined. Note: This interaction has a message format that is constrained using HSCIC templates. This format is validated using a two level process. There are two sets of schema one for each level. The sender of this interaction must build all instances to the "on the wire" format using the generic CDA definition indicated in the wire format below. These instances must also conform to the rules stated in the conformance definition indicated in the conformance format below. The second level of validation requires transformation before schema validation can take place. For full details of this validation process please see the "Technical Guidance for Templated CDA Domains" section under the associated specifications tab. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Report Copy Recipient (POCD_AR000009GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Send NHS Integrated Urgent Care Report (Version 3.0) (Input) (SendNHS111Report-v2-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |
Copy Recipient Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document Response (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:copyRecipientIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocumentResponse-v3-0)
Communicates an Integrated Urgent Care Report response from a copy recipient. Note: The response message is to be constructed using the FHIR healthcare standard. The message structure and the definition can be found at ITK Bundle. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Report Copy Recipient (POCD_AR000009GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK FHIR Business Acknowledgement Response (ITK-Bundle-1) |
Nullify Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:nullifyIntegratedUrgentCareCDADocument-v3-0)
Communicates the nullification (by replacement) of any Integrated Urgent Care Report sent to any recipient.Must be sent to all information recipients (including copy recipients). Note: This interaction has a message format that is constrained using HSCIC templates. This format is validated using a two level process. There are two sets of schema one for each level. The sender of this interaction must build all instances to the "on the wire" format using the generic CDA definition indicated in the wire format below. These instances must also conform to the rules stated in the conformance definition indicated in the conformance format below. The second level of validation requires transformation before schema validation can take place. For full details of this validation process please see the "Technical Guidance for Templated CDA Domains" section under the associated specifications tab. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care General Practitioner Receiving System (POCD_AR000005GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Emergency Department Receiving System (POCD_AR000006GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Out of Hours Receiving System (POCD_AR000007GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Repository Receiving System (REPC_AR000008GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Report Copy Recipient (POCD_AR000009GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Send NHS Integrated Urgent Care Report (Version 3.0) (Input) (SendNHS111Report-v2-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |
Integrated Urgent Care Ambulance Request Interactions
Primary NHS 111 Request for Ambulance (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryIntegratedUrgentCareRequestforAmbulance-v3-0)
Communicates a Integrated Urgent Care request message to an ambulance system recipient where the recipient is recommended to act upon the request carried in the message. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Ambulance Request Receiving System (REPC_AR000001GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Request Ambulance Dispatch (Version 3.0) (Input) (RequestAmbulanceDispatch-v2-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |
Primary Integrated Urgent Care Request for Ambulance Response (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryIntegratedUrgentCareRequestforAmbulanceResponse-v3-0)
Communicates a Integrated Urgent Care response message from an ambulance system. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Ambulance Request Receiving System (REPC_AR000001GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK FHIR Business Acknowledgement Response (ITK-Bundle-1) |
Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Interactions
Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Sync Query (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:IntegratedUrgentCareRepeatCallerSyncQuery-v1-0)
Communicates a NHS 111 repeat caller query to an repeat caller system recipient where the recipient is recommended to act upon request carried in the message. Recipient of the query message responds with the response message synchronously back to NHS 111 system. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Query Placer System (QUPA_AR000008GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Query Fulfiller System (PRPA_AR000008GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Synchronous Repeat Caller System Query and Response (Version 1.0) (NHS111RepeatCallerSyncQuery-v1-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |
Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Sync Query Response (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:IntegratedUrgentCareRepeatCallerSyncQueryResp-v1-0)
The fulfiller sends a query response, which may or may not have attached documents. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Query Fulfiller System (PRPA_AR000008GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Query Placer System (QUPA_AR000008GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Synchronous Repeat Caller System Query and Response (Version 1.0) (NHS111RepeatCallerSyncQueryResp-v1-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |
Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Document Set Interactions
Primary Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Document Set (urn:nhs-itk:interaction:primaryIntegratedUrgentCareRepeatCallerDocumentSet-v1-0)
Communicates Integrated Urgent Care repeat caller document set which includes the Integrated Urgent Care Reports from repeat caller system along with the current Integrated Urgent Care Report to an Out of Hour recipient where the recipient is recommended to act upon information carried in the document set. Distribution envelope will carry multipleIntegrated Urgent Care Reports as different payloads within the same envelope.. Note: Although the main message is not a CDA document, the imbedded CDA documents carried in this interaction have a message format that is constrained using HSCIC templates. This format is validated using a two level process. There are two sets of schema one for each level. The sender of this interaction must build all instances to the "on the wire" format using the generic CDA definition indicated in the wire format below. These instances must also conform to the rules stated in the conformance definition indicated in the conformance format below. The second level of validation requires transformation before schema validation can take place. For full details of this validation process please see the "Technical Guidance for Templated CDA Domains" section under the associated specifications tab. Sender: Integrated Urgent Care Call Handler System (POCD_AR000004GB01) Receiver: Integrated Urgent Care Out of Hours Receiving System (POCD_AR000007GB01) Message:
Transmission Wrapper: ITK Distribution Envelope (Version 2.0) (distributionEnvelope-v2-0) Web Service Wrapper: Send NHS Integrated Urgent Care Report (Version 3.0) (Input) (SendNHS111Report-v2-0 (NHS111-v3-0.wsdl)) |