Integrated Urgent Care
Domain Message Specification


Integrated Urgent Care Report (POCD_MT200001GB02)PayloadWrapped PayloadTemplated PayloadRendered Payload
Example 1:

Initial Patient NHS 111 Call report


  • The payload is an "on the wire" instance.
  • The wrapped example is an "on the wire" payload with the appropriate wrapper for the type of implementation.
  • The "templated" payload is an "on the wire" instance after transformation to allow further validation against the conformance artefacts. For full details of the HSCIC validation process, please see the "Technical Guidance for Templated CDA Domains" section under the associated specifications tab.
  • The rendered example is an "on the wire" payload after a style sheet has been applied.

Example 2:

Call passed onto clinical hub where patient has spoken to student nurse.

Example 3:

Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Document Set (POCD_MT200001GB02) with multiple payloads.


  • The wrapped example is several "on the wire" payloads with the appropriate wrapper for the type of implementation.

Integrated Urgent Care Ambulance Request (REPC_MT200001GB02)PayloadWrapped PayloadTemplated PayloadRendered Payload
Example 1:

Integrated Urgent Care Ambulance Request (REPC_MT200001GB02)

Example 2:

NHS 111 Ambulance Request with location identified using the gazetteer.

Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Query (QUPA_MT000001GB01)PayloadWrapped PayloadTemplated PayloadRendered Payload
Example 1:

Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Query (QUPA_MT000001GB01)

Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Response (PRPA_MT000001GB01)PayloadWrapped PayloadTemplated PayloadRendered Payload
Example 1:

Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Response (PRPA_MT000001GB01) without document being returned

Example 2:

Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Response (PRPA_MT000001GB01) with CDA document attached.

Integrated Urgent Care FHIR ITK Business Acknowledgement Response (ITK-FHIR-Bundle)PayloadWrapped PayloadTemplated PayloadRendered Payload
Example 1:

ITK FHIR message bundle, returning a success response to sender upon receiving an Urgent Care report.

Example 2:

ITK FHIR message bundle, returning a failure response to the sender upon receiving an Urgent Care report.

Example 3:

ITK FHIR message bundle, returning a success response to the sender upon receiving an Ambulance request.

Example 4:

ITK FHIR message bundle, returning a failure response to the sender upon receiving an Ambulance request.