Integrated Urgent Care
Domain Message Specification


Implementations: TMS ITK
RMIMTabular ViewMifSchema
Integrated Urgent Care Report (POCD_MT200001GB02)

The Integrated Urgent Care CDA Document is used to inform the healthcare facility or GP of an expected visit from a patient who has called NHS111. The document contains the details of the NHS111 call to inform a receiving clinician about the condition of the patient.

A copy of the Integrated Urgent Care Document is also sent to the Repeat Caller Database to identify patients who frequently call the NHS111 service.

Where a patient has been advised to attend a healthcare facility other than their registered GP practice, a copy of the Integrated Urgent Care Document is sent to their registered GP.

Note: This message is constrained using HSCIC templates. The artefacts contained in this section are conformance artefacts used for validation. Senders of this message must build to the "on the wire" format specified in the interaction for this message. The interaction is listed under the TMS or ITK implementation. For full details of the HSCIC validation process, please see the "Technical Guidance for Templated CDA Domains" section under the associated specifications tab.

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Integrated Urgent Care Ambulance Request (REPC_MT200001GB02)

The Integrated Urgent Care Ambulance Request is used to inform the ambulance service that a patient requires an ambulance dispatch.

The document may be sent as an interim document, which will contain details of the patient and their location, or as a full report which will also have the full narrative of the NHS111 call.

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Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Query (QUPA_MT000001GB01)

The Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Query is a message sent to the Repeat Caller Database for each NHS111 calls where the patient has been identified. The Repeat Caller Database performs checks to ascertain whether the patient is deemed a repeat caller. The Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Query is responded to by the Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Response.

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Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Response (PRPA_MT000001GB01)

The Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Response acts in response to a Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Query. If the patient is found not to be a repeat caller, then the call handler will carry on with the NHS111 call, and reach a disposition. If the patient is found to be a repeat caller then the Integrated Urgent Care Repeat Caller Service Response will return a set of Integrated Urgent Care CDA Documents that have been counted towards the repeat caller count to the NHS111 call handler. In this case, the call handler hands the NHS111 call off to a GP to call the patient back within an agreed time frame.

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Integrated Urgent Care FHIR ITK Business Acknowledgement Response (ITK-FHIR-Bundle)

This message uses the FHIR resource profiles combined to support an ITK business acknowledgement response message.

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