EncompassingEncounter Tabular View
COCD_TP146232GB01 | |||||||||||||||||||
EncompassingEncounter |
In most but not all cases the Encompassing Encounter template covers an episode of care. An episode of care for the purpose of this specification is defined as:- A continuous period of care (including assessment for care) for a person for an illness or condition involving health and possibly other agencies which has been nationally targeted and prioritised as requiring an organised and cohesive programme or regime of care. Overall management and coordination of the care will be the solely led responsibility of a specific Health Care Provider, or in the case of equally shared responsibility, the jointly led responsibility of two or more Health Care Providers. Actual treatment associated with the programme or regime of care may be delivered by the responsible Health Care Provider or by other Health Care Providers. This class represents the setting of the clinical encounter during which the documented act(s) or service event occurred. Documents are not necessarily generated during an encounter, such as when a clinician, in response to an abnormal lab result, attempts to contact the patient but can't, and writes a progress note. In some cases, the setting of the encounter is inherent in the ClinicalDocument.code, such as where ClinicalDocument.code is "Diabetes Clinic Progress Note". The setting of an encounter can also be transmitted in the HealthCareFacility.code attribute. If HealthCareFacility.code is sent, it should be equivalent to or further specialize the value inherent in the ClinicalDocument.code. Such as where the ClinicalDocument.code is simply "Clinic Progress Note" and the value of HealthCareFacility.code is "cardiology clinic"). HealthCareFacility.code shall not conflict with the value inherent in the ClinicalDocument.code, as such a conflict would constitute an ambiguous situation. The following notes are recommendations for the use of this template:
Used by: | |||||||||||||||||||
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } ) { Fixed="ENC" } |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as an encounter. Implementation in XML Instance The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " ENC". |
[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" } |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an encounter event Implementation in XML Instance The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to " EVN". |
[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:NHS111EncounterCode } ) { Fixed="NHS111Encounter" } |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute code uses the NHS111Encounter vocabulary to describe the type of encompassing encounter. Implementation in XML Instance For an Integrated Urgent Care Encounter then: The Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element code as follows:
[1..1] [M] dischargeDispositionCode (CV { CWE:EncounterDispositionSnCT } ) |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute dischargeDispositionCode uses a code from any vocabulary to describe how the encompassing encounter ended. In the absence of any local vocabulary then a SNOMED CT code from the EncounterDispositionSnCT vocabulary can be used to describe how the encompassing encounter ended. Implementation in XML Instance For an Integrated Urgent Care this will be the final disposition code reached after the patient triage. When using a SNOMED CT code then: The Coded Plain flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element code as follows:
When using an alternative vocabulary and an OID is available then: The Coded Plain flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element code as follows:
When using an alternative vocabulary and an OID is not available then: The Coded Plain flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element code as follows:
[1..1] [M] effectiveTime (IVL<TS>) |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute effectiveTime uses low (start), high (end) and center (point in time) to detail time associated with / relevant to the encounter. Implementation in XML Instance The XML attribute value of the XML elements low, center and high, shall be populated (when used in the instance) with a time stamp in the format yyyymmddhhmmss[+|-ZZzz] where:
Sections from the right of this representation may be left off when the sending system does not record to this level of accuracy. When hours are present, the time zone offset must also be present. For Integrated Urgent Care:
[1..*] [M] id (SET<II>) |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute id uses identifiers to identify the case referance and the case identifier. Implementation in XML Instance
The first XML element id is the Journey Identifier which is
mandatory and populated as below:
As well as the Journey Identifier, there MUST be at least one of the following identifiers: For the unique case reference:
For the local identifier:
[1..1] [M] templateId (II) { Fixed="COCD_TP146232GB01#EncompassingEncounter" } |
Model Attribute Description
The HL7 attribute templateId provides a unique identifier for the template and the class name within that template. This is used to identify how the CDA standard has been constrained for NHS use.
[0..*] encounterParticipant |
A class which holds details of how the various people and organisations were involved in the encompassing encounter. |
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE:x_EncounterParticipant } ) |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code from the HL7 vocabulary x_EncounterParticipant to describe the type of participation. Implementation in XML Instance The XML attribute typeCode shall contain a value from the x_EncounterParticipant vocabulary. The recommended codes for populating the XML attribute typeCode are listed below:
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-000089#Role" } |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use. The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.
[1..1] [M] templateId (II) { Fixed="COCD_TP146232GB01#encounterParticipant" } |
Model Attribute Description
The HL7 attribute templateId provides a unique identifier for the template and the class name within that template. This is used to identify how the CDA standard has been constrained for NHS use.
[0..1] time (IVL<TS>) |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute participation time is used to indicate when the person participated in the encompassing encounter. Implementation in XML Instance The date range shall be carried as follows: The XML attribute value of the XML elements low, center and high, shall be populated ( when used) with a time stamp in the format yyyymmddhhmm where:
If a single point in time is to be carried the Date or Time Point data type shall be used. this is used when the time when or during which the person participated(was involved) is not fully known:
If both a start date and an end date are present the Date or Time Interval Complete data type shall be used, this is used when the start and end times of the person's participation (involvement) is known and the presence of an end date indicates that the person is no longer participating (no longer involved):
If only a start date is present the Date or Time Interval After data type shall be used, this is used when the person is still participating (is still involved):
If only an end date is present the Date or Time Interval Before data type shall be used, this is used when the person is no longer participating (involved) and the actual date they started participating is not known:
[1..1] participant (ParticipantChoice) |
A link to the choice of participant templates. |
[1..1] [M] location |
A class which holds details of the location where the encompassing encounter took place or is taking place if still ongoing. |
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="LOC" } |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this participation as a location. Implementation in XML Instance The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " LOC". |
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-000099#Role" } |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use. The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.
[1..1] [M] templateId (II) { Fixed="COCD_TP146232GB01#location" } |
Model Attribute Description
The HL7 attribute templateId provides a unique identifier for the template and the class name within that template. This is used to identify how the CDA standard has been constrained for NHS use.
[1..1] [M] participant (HealthCareFacilityChoice) |
A link to a choice of health care facility templates.
[0..1] responsibleParty |
A class which holds details of how the person was responsible for the encompassing encounter. Note this participation is required to be included if available on the sending system. |
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="RESP" } |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as a responsible party participation. Implementation in XML Instance The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " RESP". |
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-000088#Role" } |
Model Attribute Description The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use. The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.
[1..1] [M] templateId (II) { Fixed="COCD_TP146232GB01#responsibleParty" } |
Model Attribute Description
The HL7 attribute templateId provides a unique identifier for the template and the class name within that template. This is used to identify how the CDA standard has been constrained for NHS use.
[1..1] participant (ResponsiblePartyChoice) |
A link to the choice of responsible parties. |
ParticipantChoice |
Refers to a choice of participant. |
Used by: EncompassingEncounter | |||||||||||||||||||
[1..1] : Template3 |
A link to the choice of participant templates.
HealthCareFacilityChoice |
Refers to a choice of HealthCareFacility. |
Used by: EncompassingEncounter | |||||||||||||||||||
[1..1] : Template2 |
A link choice of HealthCareFacility templates. |
ResponsiblePartyChoice |
Refers to the choice of responsible party. |
Used by: EncompassingEncounter | |||||||||||||||||||
[1..1] : Template1 |
A link to the choice of responsible party templates. |