Integrated Urgent Care
Domain Message Specification

Ambulance Request Tabular View

This message is a request for an ambulance to be dispatched. It contains the information from a NHS 111 encounter required for an ambulance service to be able to dispatch an ambulance.
Used by:
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="PCPR" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode describes this class as a care provision.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to "PCPR".

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="RQO" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode describes this class as a request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to " RQO".
[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:AmbulanceRequestTypeSnCT } )

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the AmbulanceRequestTypeSnCT to describe the type of request message.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Coded with Code System flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this in the XML element code information as follows:

If the message is an ambulance request before the NHS 111 case has been finalised, then:

  • The XML attribute code shall contain "828791000000100"
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

If the message is an ambulance request after the NHS 111 case has been finalised, then

  • The XML attribute code shall contain "828801000000101"
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

[1..1] [M] effectiveTime (TS)
Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute effectiveTime is used to define when the request for an ambulance was made.

This should be when the request message was transmitted from the NHS11 call centre.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute value of the XML element effectiveTime shall be populated with the time the ambulance was requested using a time stamp in the format yyyymmddhhmmss[+|-ZZzz] where:

  • yyyy is the year
  • mm is the month
  • dd is the day
  • hh is the hour
  • mm is the minutes
  • ss is the seconds
  • [+|-ZZzz] is the time zone offset in hours and minutes

[1..1] [M] id (II)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute id holds a unique identifier for this care provision request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element id is populated with a generated DCE UUID in the following way:

  • The XML attribute root shall contain a DCE UUID.
[1..*] [M] author
This class links the ambulance request to author of the request.
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ParticipationType } )
{ Fixed="AUT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as an author participation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " AUT".
[1..1] [M] contextControlCode (CS { CNE: ContextControl } )
{ Fixed="OP" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute contextConductionCode uses a set of codes from the HL7 vocabulary ContextControl to determine whether participations associated with the ambulance request are conducted across to the child classes (also associated with the child classes). This set of codes also determines how these participations conduct.

The conduction can only take place if the contextConductionInd is set to "true"

The value of this attribute is fixed in the HL7 model to "OP"

  • "O" (Overriding)- the author replaces any author that has been conducted from any previous acts.
  • "P" (Propagating)- the author is conducted to all child acts where the contextConductionInd is set to "true".

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute contextControlCode is fixed to " OP"
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-000081#Role" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use.

The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element contentId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain one of the allowed template artefact identifiers.
[1..1] [M] functionCode (CV { CNE:AuthorFunctionType } )
{ Fixed="OA" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute functionCode uses a code from the vocabulary AuthorFunctionType to describe the function of the author.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Coded Plain flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element functionCode as follows:

  • The XML attribute code shall contain the value "OA"
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute displayName will contain the value "Originating Author"
[1..1] [M] time (TS)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute author time is used to indicate when the person authored the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute value of the XML element time, shall be populated with a time stamp in the format yyyymmddhhmmss[+|-ZZzz] where:

  • yyyy is the year
  • mm is the month
  • dd is the day
  • hh is the hour
  • mm is the minutes
  • ss is the seconds
  • [+|-ZZzz] is the time zone offset in hours and minutes

Sections from the right of this representation may be left off to when the sending system does not record to this accuracy. When hours are present, the time zone offset must also be present.

[1..1] [M] participant (AuthorChoice)
A link to a choice of authors.
[1..1] [M] callBackContact
The contact details given by the responsible party as a contact point for the Ambulance Request process.
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ParticipationType } )
{ Fixed="CALLBCK" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code from the HL7 vocabulary ParticipationType to identify that this participation is for a person or organisation who should be specifically contacted for follow-up questions about the information carried in the Assessment Notice message.

Implementation in XML Instance

  • The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to "CALLBCK".
[1..1] [M] contextControlCode (CS { CNE: ContextControl } )
{ Fixed="OP" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute contextControlCode uses a set of codes from the HL7 vocabulary ContextControl to determine whether participations associated with the parent section are conducted across to the child section (also associated with the child section). This set of codes also determine how these participations conduct.

The conduction can only take place if the contextConductionInd is set to "true".

The value of this attribute is fixed in the HL7 model to "OP":

  • "O" (Overriding) - the author replaces any author that has been conducted from any previous acts.
  • "P" (Propagating) - the author is conducted to all child acts where the contextConductionInd is set to "true".

Implementation in XML Instance

  • The XML attribute contextControlCode shall contain the value "OP".
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-100041#Role" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use.

The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element contentId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID "2.16.840.1.113883.".
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain one of the allowed template artefact identifiers.
[0..1] noteText (ST)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute noteText provides additional information associated with the call back.

Implementation in XML Instance

The String (ST) data type is used to carry this information in the XML element noteText as follows

The XML attribute xsi:type shall contain the value "ST"

The XML element noteText shall contain any additional text relating to the call back.

[1..1] [M] participant (CallBackChoice)
A link to the available callback details templates.
[1..*] [M] informationRecipient

This class is a information recipient class

It is used for the list of recipients of the ambulance request message.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ParticipationType } )
{ Fixed="PRCP" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as a primary information recipient.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " PRCP".
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-000080#Role" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use.

The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element contentId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain one of the allowed template artefact identifiers.
[1..1] [M] participant (InformationRecipientChoice)
A link to a choice of information recipients
[1..1] [M] pertinentInformation

This class is a relationship of pertinent information.

It is used to indicate information about whether the patient has suffered trauma pertinent to the ambulance request.
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " PERT".
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

This attribute is used to indicate that information about whether the patient has suffered trauma must not be interpreted separately from the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to " false".
[1..1] [M] pertinentTraumaFlag (TraumaFlag)
A link to the trauma flag class.
[1..1] [M] pertinentInformation1

This class is a relationship of pertinent information.

It is used to indicate information about whether there is a risk of fire at the incident scene pertinent to the ambulance request.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " PERT".
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

This attribute is used to indicate that information about whether there is a risk of fire at the incident scene must not be interpreted separately from the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to " false".
[1..1] [M] pertinentFireFlag (FireFlag)
A link to the fire flag class.
[1..1] [M] pertinentInformation2

This class is a relationship of pertinent information.

It is used to indicate information about whether the scene is safe pertinent to the ambulance request.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " PERT".
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

This attribute is used to indicate that information about whether the scene is safe must not be interpreted separately from the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to " false".
[1..1] [M] pertinentSceneSafeFlag (SceneSafeFlag)
A link to the scene safe flag class.
[1..1] [M] pertinentInformation3

This class is a relationship of pertinent information.

It is used to indicate information about whether police are in attendance at the incident scen e pertinent to the ambulance request.
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " PERT".
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

This attribute is used to indicate that information about whether police are in attendance at the incident scene must not be interpreted separately from the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to " false".
[1..1] [M] pertinentPoliceFlag (PoliceFlag)
A link to the police flag class.
[1..1] [M] pertinentInformation4

This class is a relationship of pertinent information.

It is used to indicate information about whether the patient is trapped pertinent to the ambulance request.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " PERT".
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

This attribute is used to indicate that information about whether the patient is trapped must not be interpreted separately from the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to " false".
[1..1] [M] pertinentTrappedFlag (TrappedFlag)
A link to the trapped flag class.
[1..1] [M] pertinentInformation5

This class is a relationship of pertinent information.

It is used to indicate information the NHS111 encounter pertinent to the ambulance request.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " PERT".
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

This attribute is used to indicate that information about NHS111 encounter must not be interpreted separately from the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to " false".
[1..1] [M] pertinentEncounterEvent (EncounterEvent)
A link to the NHS 111 encounter class.
[0..1] pertinentInformation6
This class is a relationship of pertinent information.

It is used to carry the NHS 111 triage disposition code.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode describes this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to "PERT".

[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to "false".

[1..1] pertinentTriageDisposition (TriageDisposition)
A link to the TriageDisposition class

[0..*] pertinentInformation7

This class is a relationship of pertinent information.

It is used to carry additional notes pertinent to the ambulance request.
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " PERT".
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

This attribute is used to indicate that information about NHS111 encounter must not be interpreted separately from the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to " false".
[1..1] pertinentAdditionalNotes (AdditionalNotes)
A link to the AdditionalNotes class.
[0..1] pertinentInformation8

This class is a relationship of pertinent information.

It is used to carry the Permission To View outcome.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode describes this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

  • The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to "PERT".
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-300007#Act" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use.

The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element contentId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain one of the allowed template artefact identifiers.
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

Implementation in XML Instance

  • The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to "false".
[1..1] pertinentPermissionToViewChoice (PermissionToViewChoice)
A link to the choice of permission to view templates.
[0..*] pertinentInformation9
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="PERT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as one of pertinent information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " PERT".
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

This attribute is used to indicate that information about NHS111 encounter must not be interpreted separately from the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to " false".
[1..1] pertinentClinicalDiscriminator (ClinicalDiscriminator)
A link to the ClinicalDiscriminator class.
[1..1] [M] reason

This class is act relationship of reason.

This class indicates the triage outcome is the reason for the ambulance request.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="RSON" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode describes this class as a reason relationship.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " RSON".
[1..1] [M] seperatableInd (BL)
{ Fixed="false" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute seperatableInd uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether two pieces of information can be interpreted separately.

This attribute is used to indicate that ambulance triage outcome must not be interpreted separately from the ambulance request.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute seperatableInd is fixed to " false".
[1..1] [M] justifyingTriageOutcome (TriageOutcome)
A link to the triage outcome.
[0..1] replacementOf

This class is a replacement relationship class.

It is used when the ambulance request message is being replaced by an updated version.

The new and previous ambulance request must be for the same NHS 111 case.(i.e. have the same case id)

The ambulance request being sent replaces the one referenced in previous ambulance request class.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ActRelationshipType } )
{ Fixed="RPLC" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode describes this class as one of replacement.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " RPLC".
[1..1] priorPreviousAmbulanceRequest (PreviousAmbulanceRequest)
A link to the previous ambulance request class.
An abstract place holder for the templates of the callback details.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] : Template7
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] : Template6
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to "OBS".

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to "EVN".

[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:TriageDispositionType } )
{ Fixed="TD" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the TriageDispositionType vocabulary to describe the class as a triage disposition class.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element code is populated in the following way:

  • The code attribute is fixed to "TD"
  • The codeSystem attribute is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."
[1..1] [M] value (CV { CWE:EncounterDispositionSnCT } )

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute value uses a code from any vocabulary to describe how the triage encounter ended. In the absence of any local vocabulary then a SNOMED CT code from the EncounterDispositionSnCT vocabulary can be used to describe how the encompassing encounter ended.

Implementation in XML Instance

For NHS 111 this will be the final disposition code reached after the patient triage.

When using a SNOMED CT code then:

The Coded Plain flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element value as follows:

  • The XML attribute code shall contain a code from the subset stated in EncounterDispositionSnCT vocabulary
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute displayName shall carry a description associated with the code in the subset stated in the EncounterDispositionSnCT vocabulary. It is recommended that the preferred term is used to populate this attribute
  • The XML attribute originalText may be used if required to carry the text or phrase used as the basis for the coding

The use of the SNOMED CT terms in this subset are for guidance purposes only. Codes outside this subset may be used at clinical discretion.

When using an alternative vocabulary and an OID is available then:

The Coded Plain flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element code as follows:

  • The XML attribute code shall contain a code from the alternative vocabulary
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID for the alternative vocabulary
  • The XML attribute displayName shall carry a description associated with the code
  • The XML attribute originalText may be used if required to carry the text or phrase used as the basis for the coding

When using an alternative vocabulary and an OID is not available then:

The Coded Plain flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element value as follows:

The XML attribute code shall contain a code from the alternative vocabulary
The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
The XML attribute displayName shall carry a description associated with the code
The XML attribute originalText may be used if required to carry the text or phrase used as the basis for the coding

A class to hold the NHS111 ambulance priority type for the incident.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to "OBS".

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to "EVN".

[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:TriageOutcomeType } )
{ Default="TO" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the TriageOutcomeType vocabulary to describe the class as a triage outcome class.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element code is populated in the following way:

  • The code attribute is fixed to "TO"
  • The codeSystem attribute is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."

[1..1] [M] value (CV { CWE:AmbulancePriorityType } )

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute value is used to carry the triage outcome in a coded form using codes from the AmbulancePriorityType vocabulary.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Coded Plain flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element value as follows:

  • The XML attribute code is a code from the AmbulancePriorityType vocabulary
  • The XML attribute codeSystem is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute displayName is the display name associated with the code

When using an alternative vocabulary then:

The Coded Plain flavour of Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element value as follows:

  • The XML attribute code shall contain a code from the alternative vocabulary
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute displayName shall carry a description associated with the code

This class contains information to allow identification of a previous ambulance request message which is now being replaced by this request.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="PCPR" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as a care provision.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " PCPR" .
[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="RQO" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as a request event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to " RQO".
[1..1] [M] id (II)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute id uses a unique identifier to identify the care provision request being replaced.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element id is populated with the DCE UUID of the previous ambulance request XML element id in the following way:

  • The XML attribute root shall contain the DCE UUID of the previous ambulance request.
An abstract placeholder for the template choice for an information recipient.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] : Template1
A link to the templates for a information recipient.
An abstract placeholder for the template choice for a author.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] : Template4
A link to the templates of an author.
A class which holds a flag to indicate whether the patient is trapped.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to "OBS".

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to "EVN".

[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:SystemFlagType } )
{ Fixed="TR" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the SystemFlagType vocabulary to describe the class as a patient is trapped flag.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Coded with Code System flavour of Coded Value (CV) shall be used to carry the information in the XML element code following way:

  • The code attribute is fixed to "TR"
  • The codeSystem attribute is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."

[1..1] [M] value (BL)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute value uses a Boolean (true or false) to allow identification whether the patient is trapped.

Implementation in XML Instance

If the patient is trapped then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "true"

If the patient is not trapped then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "false"

If it is unknown whether the patient is trapped, then a nullFlavor of "UNK" may be used.

A class which holds a flag to indicate whether the police are required at the incident location.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to "OBS".

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to "EVN".

[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:SystemFlagType } )
{ Fixed="PL" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the SystemFlagType vocabulary to describe the class as a police required flag.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element code is fixed in the following way:

  • The code attribute is fixed to "PL"
  • The codeSystem attribute is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."
[1..1] [M] value (BL)

The HL7 attribute value uses a Boolean (true or false) to allow identification whether police are required at the scene of the incident.

Implementation in XML Instance

If police are required to attend the scene then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "true"

If police are not required to attend the scene then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "false"

If the presence or requirement of police at the scene is unknown, then a nullFlavor of "UNK" may be used.


A class which holds a flag to indicate whether the scene of the incident location is safe.

Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode describes this class as an observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to "OBS".

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to "EVN".

[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:SystemFlagType } )
{ Fixed="SC" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the SystemFlagType vocabulary to describe the class as a scene safe flag.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element code is fixed in the following way:

  • The code attribute is fixed to "SC"
  • The codeSystem attribute is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."

[1..1] [M] value (BL)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute value uses a Boolean (true or false) to allow identification whether the scene of the incident is safe.

Implementation in XML Instance

If the incident scene is safe then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "true"

If the incident scene is not safe then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "false"

If the safety of the scene is unknown, then a nullFlavor of "UNK" may be used.

A class which holds a flag to indicate whether there is a risk of fire at the NHS 111 incident location.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to "OBS".

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to "EVN"

[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:SystemFlagType } )
{ Fixed="FR" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the SystemFlagType vocabulary to describe the class as a fire risk flag.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element code is fixed in the following way:

  • The code attribute is fixed to "FR"
  • The codeSystem attribute is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."
[1..1] [M] value (BL)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute value uses a Boolean (true or false) to indicate whether there is any risk of fire at the scene of the incident.

Implementation in XML Instance

If a risk of fire has been identified then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "true"

If no risk of fire has been identified then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "false"

If the risk of fire is unknown, then a nullFlavor of "UNK" may be used.

A class which holds a flag to indicate whether the patient has suffered trauma.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to "OBS".

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an observation event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to "EVN".

[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:SystemFlagType } )
{ Fixed="TM" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the SystemFlagType vocabulary to describe the class as a patient has suffered trauma flag.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Coded with Code System flavour of Coded Value (CV) shall be used to carry the information in the XML element code following way:

  • The code attribute is fixed to "TM"
  • The codeSystem attribute is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."

[1..1] [M] value (BL)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute value uses a Boolean (true or false) to allow identification whether the patient has suffered trauma.

Implementation in XML Instance

If the patient has suffered trauma then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "true"

If the patient has not suffered trauma then:

  • The XML attribute value shall contain "false"

If it is unknown whether the patient has suffered trauma, then a nullFlavor of "UNK" may be used.

This class is the NHS 111 encounter that resulted in the ambulance request.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="ENC" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode uses a code to describe this class as an encounter.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " ENC".
[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode uses a code to describe this class as an encounter event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to " EVN".
[1..1] [M] effectiveTime (IVL<TS>)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute effectiveTime holds the start and end time of the NHS 111 case.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attributes value of the XML elements low and high shall be populated with the relevant times using a time stamp in the format yyyymmddhhmmss[+|-ZZzz] where:

  • yyyy is the year
  • mm is the month
  • dd is the day
  • hh is the hour
  • mm is the minutes
  • ss is the seconds
  • [+|-ZZzz] is the time zone offset in hours and minutes

The XML element effectiveTime is used to hold the start date and time of the NHS 111 case, and optionally the end date and time of the case as follows:

  • The XML attribute value of the XML element low shall time of the NHS 111 case
  • The XML attribute value of the XML element high shall contain time of the NHS 111 case, if it is available on the sending system
[1..*] [M] id (SET<II>)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute id holds identifiers for the NHS 111 case.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element id is used to hold identifiers for the NHS 111 case. These are case references generated by the NHS 111 centre taking the triage.

The first XML element id is the Journey Identifier which is mandatory and populated as below:

  • The XML attribute root shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain the UUID created by the first system in the patients journey.

As well as the Journey Identifier, there MUST be at least one of the following identifiers:

For the unique case reference:

  • The XML attribute root shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain the unique NHS 111 case identifier
  • The XML attribute assignedAuthorityName shall contain the assigning organisation in the format of ODSCode:ODSName, for example:

A optional case identifier may be sent, which is a local identifier used by the sending site to identify the case. This information is carried in the XML element id as follows:

  • The XML attribute root is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain the local case identifier
  • The XML attribute assignedAuthorityName shall contain the assigning organisation in the format of ODSCode:ODSName, for example:
[0..1] text (ST)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute text is used to allow supporting text that is associated with the NHS 111 case.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element text is used to hold supporting text in the form of a summary of the triage that has taken place on this NHS 111 case. This should be the summary text that is generated from the NHS 111 system and put into the NHS 111 CDA document in the text section.

[0..1] informant

A class which is a participation of informant.

An informant is a person who informed the author about information contained in the NHS 111 encounter.
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ParticipationType } )
{ Fixed="INF" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as an informant participation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " INF".
[1..1] [M] contextControlCode (CS { CNE: ContextControl } )
{ Fixed="OP" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute contextConductionCode uses a set of codes from the HL7 vocabulary ContextControl to determine whether participations associated with the NHS 111 encounter are conducted across to the child acts (also associated with the child acts). This set of codes also determine how these participations conduct.

The conduction can only take place if the contextConductionInd is set to "true"

The value of this attribute is fixed in the HL7 model to "OP"

  • "O" (Overriding)- the custodian replaces any custodian that has been conducted from any previous acts.
  • "P" (Propagating)- the custodian is conducted to all child acts where the contextConductionInd is set to "true".

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute contextControlCode is fixed to " OP"
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-000085#Role" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use.

The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element contentId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain one of the allowed template artefact identifiers.
[1..1] participant (InformantChoice)
A link to a choice of informant.
[1..1] [M] location

A class which is a participation of location.

This is the location where the NHS 111 encounter call was made from by the patient or third party on behalf of the patient.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ParticipationType } )
{ Fixed="LOC" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode use a code to describe this class as location.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute typeCode is fixed to " LOC".
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-000099#Role" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use.

The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element contentId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain one of the allowed template artefact identifiers.
[1..1] [M] participant (HealthCareFacilityChoice)
A link to the healthcare facility.
[1..1] [M] recordTarget
A class which is a participation of record target (The patient who is the target of the NHS 111 encounter).
[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS { CNE: ParticipationType } )
{ Fixed="RCT" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute typeCode uses a code to describe this class as a record target participation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " RCT".
[1..1] [M] contextControlCode (CS { CNE: ContextControl } )
{ Fixed="OP" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute contextConductionCode uses a set of codes from the HL7 vocabulary ContextControl to determine whether participations associated with the NHS 111 encounter are conducted across to the child acts (also associated with the child acts). This set of codes also determine how these participations conduct.

The conduction can only take place if the contextConductionInd is set to "true"

The value of this attribute is fixed in the HL7 model to "OP"

  • "O" (Overriding)- the record target replaces any record target that has been conducted from any previous acts.
  • "P" (Propagating)- the record target is conducted to all child acts where the contextConductionInd is set to"true".

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute contextControlCode is fixed to " OP"
[1..1] [M] contentId (II) { "NPFIT-000083#Role" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 (NHS localisation) attribute contentId, when valued in an instance, provides a unique forward pointing identifier for the template which constrains the classes and attributes which follow, for NHS use.

The attribute is intended simply as a structural navigational aid and should not be relied upon as an indicator of semantic meaning. The contentId is populated at runtime with a value from the allowed list contained in the model.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Identifier External data type flavour is used to carry this information in the XML element contentId as follows:
  • The XML attribute root is fixed to the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The XML attribute extension shall contain one of the allowed template artefact identifiers.
[1..1] [M] participant (Patient)
A link to the patient.
An abstract placeholder for the template choice for an informant.
Used by: EncounterEvent
[1..1] : Template3

A link to the templates for an informant..

An abstract placeholder for the template choice for a patient.
Used by: EncounterEvent
[1..1] : Template5
A link to the templates for a patient.
An abstract placeholder for the template choice for incident location.
Used by: EncounterEvent
[1..1] : Template2
A link to the templates for a health care facility.
Additional notes about the NHS111 case, or about the patient that are pertinent to the ambulance service
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode describes this class as a observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " OBS".
[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode describes this class as an event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to " EVN".
[1..1] [M] code (CV { CNE:NHS111AdditionalNotesType } )

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the NHS111AdditionalNotesType vocabulary to describe the type of additional information being conveyed.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element code is fixed in the following way:

  • The code attribute is a value from the NHS111AdditionalNotes vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."
[1..1] [M] text (ST)

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute text is used to hold the additional information.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element text holds the additional information in the following way:

  • The XML text element is used to hold the additional information text
Represents the clinical need of an Ambulance request.
Used by: AmbulanceRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS { CNE: ActClass } )
{ Fixed="OBS" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute classCode describes this class as a observation.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute classCode is fixed to " OBS".
[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS { CNE: ActMood } )
{ Fixed="EVN" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute moodCode describes this class as an event.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML attribute moodCode is fixed to " EVN".
[1..1] [M] code (CD { CWE:ClinicalDiscriminatorType } )
{ Default="CD" }

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute code uses a code from the ClinicalDiscriminatorType vocabulary to describe the clinical discriminator class.

Implementation in XML Instance

The XML element code is populated in the following way:

  • The code attribute is fixed to "CD"
  • The codeSystem attribute is fixed to "2.16.840.1.113883."
[1..1] [M] value (CV { CWE:ClinicalDiscriminators } )

Model Attribute Description

The HL7 attribute value uses a concept from the NHS Pathways codes, or a text representation, to describe the clinical discriminator.

Implementation in XML Instance

The Coded Value (CV) data type shall be used to carry this information in the XML element value as follows:

If using a concept from the NHS Pathways codeset:

  • The XML attribute xsi:type shall contain the value "CV".
  • The XML attribute code shall contain the code from the codeset. The code will be composed of the Symptom Group and the Symptom Discriminator separated by a pipe ("|") character.
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883.".
  • The XML attribute displayName shall carry the description associated with the code in the form of the Symptom Group and the Symptom Discriminator separated by a ("|") character.

If using an SNOMED CT terminology:

  • The XML attribute xsi:type shall contain the value "CV".
  • The XML attribute code shall contain the code from the terminology.
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883.".
  • The XML attribute displayName shall carry the description associated with the code.

If using another codeset/terminology:

  • The XML attribute xsi:type shall contain the value "CV".
  • The XML attribute code shall contain the code from the terminology.
  • The XML attribute codeSystem shall contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883.".
  • The XML attribute displayName shall carry the description associated with the code.