Integrated Urgent Care
Domain Message Specification


Code SystemId: 2.16.840.1.113883.
Version: 2.0
Status: active
Date: 2005-03-15


This vocabulary contains a set of codes that describe participations of agents associated with the patient.


Code Description Note
ADM Admitter
ATND Attender
CON Consultant
DIS Discharger
ESC Escort
REF Referrer
IND Indirect target
BEN Beneficiary
COV Coverage target
HLD Holder
RCT Record target
RCV Receiver
AUT Author (originator)
ENT Data entry person
INF Informant
WIT Witness
NOT Ugent notification contact
PRCP Primary information recipient
REFB Referred by
REFT Referred to
TRC Tracker
PRF Performer
DIST Distributor
PPRF Primary performer
SPRF Secondary performer
DIR Direct target
CSM Consumable
TPA Therapeutic agent
DEV Device
NRD Non-reuseable device
RDV Reusable device
SBJ Subject
SPC Specimen
BBY Baby
DON Donor
PRD Product
LOC Location
DST Destination
ELOC Entry location
ORG Origin
RML Remote
VRF Verifier
AUTHEN Authenticator
LA Legal authenticator
CST Custodian
RESP Responsible party
DENT Data Enterer
CALLBCK Callback details