usecase: 04. Add or Change Specific Items in Local Summary

public usecase: 04. Add or Change Specific Items in Local Summary
Project: Phase: 1.0; Status: Proposed; Version: 1.0; Complexity: 1
Dates: Created: 21/03/2006 23:05:34; Modified: 04/05/2006 08:58:45;
Flags: Active: false; IsRoot: false; IsLeaf: false;
Extension Points:
UUID: {4E5D0912-3693-4d36-BB55-B2DD2BCF7B6A}

Goto: Constraints, Scenarios

See also: 05. Generate a GP Summary, Authorised User

Appears in: GP Summary Use Cases

04. Add or Change Specific Items in Local Summary Constraint
Constraint Type Status Detail
Create or Update items in the local summary Goal Approved To create new or update existing items in the patients clinical record on the local system
Add or Change Items in the local Summary Description Approved The Authorised User will add or amend items which are contained within the local system.
The changes to the record held on the local system may precipitate the generation of a new GP Summary message which may then be sent to the NHS Summary Record
Authorised User adds or amends items in the local clinical record Trigger Approved Authorised User identifies changes or additions to the local summary area of the clinical record. Changes made to the local record may result in the generation of a GP Summary message.
Items to include in summary Business Rules Approved Refer to GP Summary, Guidance for Suppliers, NPFIT-SHR-MODL-SUMREC-0008.(current)
Patient registration, NPfIT compliance, LRs Pre-condition Approved Refer to GP Summary, Guidance for Suppliers, NPFIT-SHR-MODL-SUMREC-0008.(current)
04. Add or Change Specific Items in Local Summary Scenarios
Scenario Type Detail
Add or Change specific Items in Local Summary Basic Path 1. Authorised User identifies information which should be recorded in the patients local clinical record
2. Authorised User enters information into patients record
3. Local System populates areas of the local record which have been designated to store Medication, Allergies & Adverse Reactions and Significant Items
4. Local System identifies items which must be included in a GP Summary message (Refer to GP Summary, Guidance for Suppliers, NPFIT-SHR-MODL-SUMREC-0008.(current)
5. Local System will trigger the generation of a GP Summary Message
6. Flow continues at the 05. Generate a GP Summary Use Case
5a Nothing to go into General Practice Summary message Alternate 1 Local System does not identify any items to be included in a GP Summary message.