usecase: 05. Generate a GP Summary

public usecase: 05. Generate a GP Summary
Project: Phase: 1.0; Status: Proposed; Version: 1.0; Complexity: 1
Dates: Created: 21/03/2006 23:08:12; Modified: 04/05/2006 08:59:32;
Flags: Active: false; IsRoot: false; IsLeaf: false;
Extension Points:
UUID: {FDD851A0-95AE-48d6-9982-6F4A61DD0735}

Goto: Constraints, Scenarios

See also: 04. Add or Change Specific Items in Local Summary, 08. Print a GP Summary, 07. Tailor GP Summary, 06 Send GP Summary to NHS Summary Record (GP Summary - REPC_MT150007UK04), Authorised User, 09. Record or Change Patients Summary Creation Preferences

Appears in: GP Summary Use Cases

05. Generate a GP Summary Constraint
Constraint Type Status Detail
Changed local summary or Authorised User trigger Trigger Approved There are potentially two trigger events
1. If items have been added or changed and the local system has recognised items which must be put into a GP Summary message
2. If the Authorised User wishes to create a GP Summary message
GP Summary will have been created Post-condition Approved A GP Summary will have been created, this needs to happen so that it can be;
a) Reviewed and or tailored to include or exclude items
b) Sent directly to the NHS Summary Record
c) Printed for the patient to view it
05. Generate a GP Summary Scenarios
Scenario Type Detail
Generate a GP Summary Basic Path 1. Local System identifies the following items from the summary section of the patients local clinical record
- Refer to GP Summary, Guidance for Suppliers, NPFIT-SHR-MODL-SUMREC-0008.(current) for definition
2. The Authorised User chooses to
2a. Send a GP Summary to NHS Summary Record (see extended UC 06)
2b. Tailor GP Summary (see extended UC 07)
2c. Print a GP Summary (see extended UC 08)
2d. The Authorised User does not send a GP Summary on this occasion
3. End.
2a. Send GP Summary to NHS Summary Record Alternate See basic path in Send GP Summary to NHS Summary Record Use case
2b. Tailor GP Summary Alternate See basic path in Tailor GP Summary Use Case
2c. Print a GP Summary Alternate See basic path in Print a GP Summary Use Case
2d. The Authorised User chooses not send a GP Summary Alternate 1. The Authorised User chooses not send a GP Summary on this occasion
2. END