actor: Authorised User

public actor: Authorised User
Project: Phase: 1.0; Status: Proposed; Version: 1.0; Complexity: 1
Dates: Created: 21/03/2006 22:47:35; Modified: 21/04/2006 11:09:42;
Flags: Active: false; IsRoot: false; IsLeaf: false;
Extension Points:
UUID: {6F77E0BA-48F3-4bd6-8CB4-9F072330B908}
An Authorised User is a user who is able to access clinical records held on the local system

See also: 01. Print an Initial GP Summary, Prior to Upload, 09. Record or Change Patients Summary Creation Preferences, Doctor, Clinical Administrator, Nurse, 03. Set Patient Consent Status, 04. Add or Change Specific Items in Local Summary, 05. Generate a GP Summary

Appears in: GP Summary Use Cases
