Administrative Gender |
| The gender of a person used for administrative purposes. |  |
Administrative Gender NHS Data Model and Dictionary |
| Classification of the sex of a Person. The classification is phenotypical rather than genotypical, i.e. it does not provide codes for medical or scientific purposes. Note that '0 Not Known' means that the sex of a person has not been recorded. '9 Not Specified' means indeterminate, i.e. unable to be classified as either male or female. |  |
Care Setting Codes SnCT |
| The following SNOMED CT Concept ID has been proposed to classify the type of care setting. |  |
CDA Care Setting Type SnCT |
| A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the setting in which a care event occurs, such as home, GMP surgery, outpatient, etc. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK 'CDA Care Setting Type' subset with subset original id 1271000000134; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset fully specified name is 'Clinical document architecture care setting type simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)' with Refset Id 999000331000000108. |  |
CDA Person Relationship Type |
| A relationship between one person and another. These relationships are not necessarily mutually exclusive, for example a parent may be a child's next of kin. Includes the set of values defined in e-GIF Person Relationship Type |  |
Device Type Codes SnCT |
| The following SNOMED CT Concept ID has been proposed to classify the type of device. |  |
Document Type Codes SnCT |
| The following SNOMED CT Concept ID has been proposed to classify the type of composition/document. |  |
GP Connect Error or Warning Code |
| GP Connect error or warning code in response to a request. |  |
GP Connect Record Section |
| A set of codes to classify a section of a composition/document. |  |
Human Language |
| A language used by human beings. It includes languages that use any of the senses, e.g. sight and touch as well as sound. It is based on the ISO 639-1 two character language codes, plus five extensions required by NPfIT. These make use of the area reserved by ISO 639 for local use and include a digit to distinguish them from any current ISO 639-1 codes. |  |
SDS Job Role Name |
| A set of RBAC codes to indicate the job role associated with the person on the smart card. This code list is externally maintained. |  |