Vocabulary Usage
Vocabulary: AccommodationSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146074GB01 | Accommodation | value |
Vocabulary: ActStatus
Used in the following models:
Vocabulary: AdditionalInstructionType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | AdditionalInstructions | code |
COCD_TP146088GB01 | AdditionalInstructions | code |
Vocabulary: AdmissionMethod
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146062GB01 | MethodOfAdmission | value |
Vocabulary: ADRTDiscussedSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146059GB02 | ADRTDiscussed | value |
Vocabulary: AllergyOrAdverseReactionDESnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146060GB01 | AllergyEvent | code |
Vocabulary: AllergyOrAdverseReactionIdentSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146061GB01 | Allergy | code |
Vocabulary: AnatomicalSiteSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146066GB02 | AnatomicalSite | value |
Vocabulary: AuthorFunctionType
Used in the following models:
Vocabulary: AuthoritytoLPASnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146058GB02 | AuthorityToLPA | value |
Vocabulary: CausativeAgentSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146060GB02 | CausativeAgent | value |
Vocabulary: CDACareSettingTypeSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145211GB01 | HealthCareFacility | code |
Vocabulary: CDADocumentTypeSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
POCD_RM000042GB01 | ClinicalDocument | code |
POCD_RM000042GB01 | ParentDocument | code |
Vocabulary: CDAEncounterSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146228GB01 | EncompassingEncounter | code |
Vocabulary: CDAObservationType
Used in the following models:
Vocabulary: CDAOrganizationProviderType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | Organization | standardIndustryClassCode |
COCD_TP145230GB02 | Organization | standardIndustryClassCode |
Vocabulary: CDAOrganizationType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | OrganizationPartOf | code |
COCD_TP145202GB02 | Organization | standardIndustryClassCode |
COCD_TP145203GB03 | Organization | standardIndustryClassCode |
Vocabulary: CDAPersonRelationshipType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145007UK03 | RelatedEntity | code |
COCD_TP145007UK04 | RelatedEntity | code |
Vocabulary: CDARoleType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146067GB01 | ParticipantRole | code |
Vocabulary: CertaintySnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146060GB02 | Certainty | value |
Vocabulary: CourseStatus
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | CourseStatus | value |
Vocabulary: CrisisCareObservation
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146056GB01 | CrisisCareObservation | code |
Vocabulary: DiagnosisAwarenessTypeSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146063GB02 | DiagnosisAwareness | code |
Vocabulary: DiagnosisTypeSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146063GB02 | Diagnosis | code |
Vocabulary: DischargeDestination
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146067GB01 | DischargeDestination | value |
Vocabulary: DischargeMethod
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146067GB01 | DischargeMethod | value |
Vocabulary: DNACPRprefSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146422GB03 | DNACPRDecision | value |
Vocabulary: DocumentConsentSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146226GB02 | Consent | code |
Vocabulary: DoseDirectionDurationType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | DoseDirectionDuration | value |
COCD_TP146088GB01 | DoseDirectionDuration | value |
Vocabulary: EncounterDispositionSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146228GB01 | EncompassingEncounter | dischargeDispositionCode |
Vocabulary: EoLADRTprefSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146059GB02 | PatientADRT | value |
Vocabulary: EoLAnticipatoryMedicineBoxIssueSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146073GB01 | AMBoxIssueProcedure | code |
Vocabulary: EoLCDAObservationType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146058GB02 | AuthorityToLPA | code |
COCD_TP146059GB02 | PatientADRT | code |
COCD_TP146059GB02 | ADRTDocsLocation | code |
COCD_TP146059GB02 | ADRTDiscussed | code |
COCD_TP146070GB01 | DonationDocsLocation | code |
COCD_TP146073GB01 | AMBoxLocation | code |
COCD_TP146077GB02 | EoLCarePlan | code |
COCD_TP146077GB02 | CareFundingDetails | code |
COCD_TP146422GB03 | ReviewDateDNACPR | code |
COCD_TP146422GB03 | DNACPRDocsLocation | code |
COCD_TP146422GB03 | DNACPRDecision | code |
Vocabulary: Ethnicity
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | Patient | ethnicGroupCode |
Vocabulary: FindingTypeSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | Indication | value |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | ChangeIndication | value |
COCD_TP146053GB01 | Indication | value |
COCD_TP146060GB01 | Finding | value |
COCD_TP146060GB02 | ReactionDetails | value |
COCD_TP146061GB01 | Finding | value |
COCD_TP146066GB02 | Complication | value |
COCD_TP146078GB01 | CauseOfDeath | value |
COCD_TP146081GB01 | RiskToPatient | value |
COCD_TP146083GB01 | SignificantPastMedicalHistory | value |
COCD_TP146084GB01 | RiskToPerson | value |
COCD_TP146086GB01 | ClinicalRisk | value |
COCD_TP146088GB01 | Indication | value |
Vocabulary: GuardianOrganisationType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | GuardianOrganization | standardIndustryClassCode |
COCD_TP145230GB02 | GuardianOrganization | standardIndustryClassCode |
Vocabulary: GuardianRoleType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | Guardian | code |
COCD_TP145230GB02 | Guardian | code |
Vocabulary: HousingSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146075GB01 | Housing | value |
Vocabulary: HumanLanguage
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | LanguageCommunication | languageCode |
Vocabulary: InformedOfDecisionSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146422GB03 | InformedOfDecision | value |
Vocabulary: JobRoleName
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145200GB01 | AssignedAuthor | code |
COCD_TP145202GB02 | IntendedRecipient | recipientRoleCode |
COCD_TP145205GB01 | AssignedEntity | code |
COCD_TP145208GB01 | AssignedAuthor | code |
COCD_TP145210GB01 | AssignedEntity | code |
Vocabulary: LanguageAbilityMode
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | LanguageCommunication | modeCode |
Vocabulary: LanguageAbilityProficiency
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | LanguageCommunication | proficiencyLevelCode |
Vocabulary: LateralitySnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146066GB02 | Laterality | value |
Vocabulary: LegalStatusSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146093GB01 | LegalStatus | value |
Vocabulary: ManufacturerModelName
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145207GB01 | AuthoringDevice | manufacturerModelName |
Vocabulary: MaritalStatus
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | Patient | maritalStatusCode |
Vocabulary: MedicationChangeType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | MedicationChangeStatus | value |
Vocabulary: MedicationItemSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | ManufacturedMaterial | code |
COCD_TP146053GB01 | ManufacturedMaterialKind | code |
COCD_TP146088GB01 | ManufacturedMaterial | code |
Vocabulary: MobilitySnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146076GB01 | Mobility | value |
Vocabulary: NHSdm+dDoseFormSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | MedicationItem | administrationUnitCode |
Vocabulary: NHSe-PrescribingRouteOfAdministrationSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | RouteOfAdministration | value |
COCD_TP146088GB01 | RouteOfAdministration | value |
Vocabulary: ParticipationFunction
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
POCD_RM000042GB01 | participant | functionCode |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | author | functionCode |
COCD_TP146053GB01 | author | functionCode |
COCD_TP146088GB01 | author | functionCode |
COCD_TP146227GB02 | performer | functionCode |
Vocabulary: ParticipationMode
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146085GB01 | performer | modeCode |
Vocabulary: ParticipationType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
POCD_RM000042GB01 | participant | typeCode |
Vocabulary: PersonalPreferenceSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146055GB02 | PersonalCarePreference | value |
Vocabulary: PlaceOfDeathSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146078GB01 | PlaceOfDeath | value |
Vocabulary: ProcedureTypeSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146066GB02 | Procedure | code |
Vocabulary: PrognosisAwarenessTypeSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146057GB01 | PrognosisAwareness | code |
Vocabulary: PrognosisTypeSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146057GB01 | Prognosis | value |
Vocabulary: ReactionCategoryType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146060GB02 | AllergyEvent | value |
Vocabulary: ReasonForAdmissionSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146062GB01 | ReasonForAdmission | value |
Vocabulary: RecipientNonClinicalPersonType
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145242GB01 | IntendedRecipient | recipientRoleCode |
Vocabulary: ReligiousAffiliationSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | Patient | religiousAffiliationCode |
Vocabulary: RiskToPersonSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146084GB01 | RiskToPerson | code |
Vocabulary: RoleClassAssociative
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145214GB01 | AssociatedEntity | classCode |
Vocabulary: RoleCode
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145214GB01 | AssociatedEntity | code |
Vocabulary: RoleStatus
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | OrganizationPartOf | statusCode |
Vocabulary: SafeguardingSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146071GB01 | Safeguarding | value |
Vocabulary: SDSSpecialty
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145243GB01 | AssignedEntity | code |
COCD_TP145243GB02 | AssignedEntity | code |
Vocabulary: SectionTypeSnCT
Used in the following models:
Vocabulary: ServicesSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146085GB01 | Service | code |
Vocabulary: SeveritySnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146060GB02 | Severity | value |
Vocabulary: Sex
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145201GB02 | Patient | administrativeGenderCode |
COCD_TP145230GB02 | Patient | administrativeGenderCode |
Vocabulary: SiteOfMedicationAdministrationSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146052GB01 | MedicationItem | approachSiteCode |
Vocabulary: SnomedCT
Used in the following models:
Vocabulary: SocialOrPersonalCircumstanceSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146079GB01 | SocialOrPersonalCircumstance | value |
Vocabulary: SoftwareName
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145207GB01 | AuthoringDevice | softwareName |
Vocabulary: SourceOfAdmission
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146062GB01 | SourceOfPatient | value |
Vocabulary: TissueAndOrganDonationSnCT
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146070GB01 | TissueAndOrganDonation | value |
Vocabulary: WorkgroupRoleName
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP145204GB03 | RecipientWorkgroup | recipientRoleCode |
COCD_TP145212GB02 | Workgroup | code |
Vocabulary: x_BasicConfidentialityKind
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
POCD_RM000042GB01 | ClinicalDocument | confidentialityCode |
Vocabulary: x_EncounterParticipant
Used in the following models:
Model | Class | Attribute |
COCD_TP146228GB01 | encounterParticipant | typeCode |