PdsGeneralUpdateRequest - tabular view

No Current Link To VocabularyCoded With ExtensionsCoded No Extensions

Parent class linking to a patient record containing updated information.

Used by:
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="REG" }

Indicates that this is a Registration act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="RQO" }

Indicates that this is a Request.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:UpdateType } )

The type of update.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the UpdateType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

[0..1] author

A link to the Author of this Registration Request.

NB This must be provided where death information is being added or altered, and not used otherwise.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="AUT" }

Indicates that this is an Author.

[1..1] registeringAuthority (RegisteringAuthority)

A link to details of the authority for the registration.

[1..1] [M] pertinentInformation

A link to information which is pertinent in some unspecified way.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ActRelationshipType } ) { Fixed="PERT" }

Indicates Pertinent Information.

[1..1] [M] pertinentSerialChangeNumber (SerialChangeNumber)

A link to details of the Serial Change Number of the record that is to be updated.

[1..1] [M] subject

A link to the Subject of this Registration Request.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject.

[1..1] [M] patientRole (PatientRole)

A link to details of the updated patient record.


Parent class linking to and containing details of the authority for the registration.

Used by: PdsUpdateRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:RoleClass } ) { Fixed="ASSIGNED" }

Indicates that this is an Assigned role.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:RegisteringAuthorityType } )

The type of registering authority.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the RegisteringAuthorityType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

[1..1] [M] id (II)

The identifier of the assigned organisation acting as registration authority. This will be an Organisation code (PCT code or Trust code)

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute will contain the national organisation code


The Serial Change Number of the record on the PDS.

Used by: PdsUpdateRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="OBS" }

Indicates that this is an Observation act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType } ) { Fixed="2" }

Indicates the type of observation. In this case, the observation is that of the serial change number of the record.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain the value "2" (Serial change number) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[1..1] [M] value (INT)

The value of the serial change number.


Parent class linking to and containing information about a patient.

Used by: PdsUpdateRequest
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:RoleClass } ) { Fixed="PAT" }

Indicates that this is a Patient role.

[0..*] addr (SET<AD>)

Address(es) of the patient.

The particular flavour of the address datatype used here is Address streetAddressLine Typed (format 2 in the datatypes description), plus:

  • Optional Postcode
  • Optional Address Key
  • Optional Description
  • Mandatory Use
  • Optional Useable period

This means that the address will contain the following components:

  • Between one and five streetAddressLine elements. Excludes postcode, may be vernacular or PAF-derived. For vernacular addresses, the following formatting convention should be used:
    • Line 1: premises ID
    • Line 2: no. / thoroughfare
    • Line 3: locality
    • Line 4: post town
    • Line 5: county
    • Lines 1 or 2 and line 4 are mandatory
  • A postalCode element to carry a postcode (optional)
  • An addressKey element to carry a PAF key (optional)
  • A desc element to carry a free-text description of the nature of the address (e.g. "On holiday") (optional, may only be present for a temporary address, i.e. if the use attribute is "TMP")
  • The use attribute to denote the type of address. Only the values "H" (Home address), "TMP" (Temporary address) and "PST" (Postal address) are permitted here. (mandatory)
  • A useablePeriod element to contain the dates for which the address is / was current as a range, supplied in the low and high sub-elements. Both the low and high sub-elements are optional, allowing open-ended ranges to be specified. This mechanism allows previous, current and future addresses of any of the three types listed above to be distinguished. The particular flavour of the timestamp datatype used here is Date Only. This means that the dates must be in the format YYYYMMDD. (optional)

Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:

  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered", or "removed" (mandatory)
  • An id attribute to carry the PDS allocated object identifier for the data item (optional)

These attributes should be used in the following way:

  • If the updateMode is set to "removed", the id attribute is mandatory, and none of the other attributes and elements shall be present, except for the use attribute, which is always mandatory.
  • If the updateMode is set to "altered", the id attribute is mandatory. The use attribute must contain the same value already associated with the address data item identified by the id attribute. (The value of the use attribute cannot be altered using this mechanism; in order to do so, the item must first be removed and then added again with the new use value.) The minimum set of streetAddressLine elements (1 or 2 and 4) shall be present.
  • If the updateMode is set to "added", the id attribute must not be present. The minimum set of streetAddressLine elements (1 or 2 and 4) shall be present.
[1..1] [M] id (II)
The current NHS number of the patient. This will be one of:
  • NHS Number
  • Old Format NHS Number
  • Temporary NHS Number (issued by an NHAIS registration authority)

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

If it is an NHS Number:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute will contain the NHS Number

If it is an Old Format or Temporary NHS Number:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute will contain the Old Format or Temporary NHS Number

NB This attribute is used for matching only and cannot be updated.

[0..*] telecom (SET<TEL>)

Telecommunication address(es) of the patient.

The particular flavour of the telecommunication address datatype used here is Telecommunication address plus use.

This means that the telecommunication address will contain the following components:

  • The value attribute to carry the telecommunication number or address (optional). This is expressed as a URL. The URL scheme is mandatory and must be one of the following values:
    • tel:
    • fax:
    • mailto:
    • textphone: (This is not an officially-registered URI scheme)
  • The use attribute to denote the type of telecommunication address (mandatory)
  • A useablePeriod element to contain the dates for which the telecommunication address is / was current as a range, supplied in the low and high sub-elements. Both the low and high sub-elements are optional, allowing open-ended ranges to be specified. The particular flavour of the timestamp datatype used here is Date Only. This means that the dates must be in the format YYYYMMDD. (optional)
Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered", or "removed" (mandatory)
  • An id attribute to carry the PDS allocated object identifier for the data item (optional)

These attributes should be used in the following way:

  • If the updateMode is set to "removed", the id attribute is mandatory, and none of the other optional attributes and elements shall be present.
  • If the updateMode is set to "altered", the id attribute is mandatory. The value attribute is mandatory. The use attribute must contain the same value already associated with the telecommunication address data item identified by the id attribute. (The value of the use attribute cannot be altered using this mechanism; in order to do so, the item must first be removed and then added again with the new use value.)
  • If the updateMode is set to "added", the id attribute must not be present. The value attribute is mandatory.
[0..1] patientPerson (Person)

A link to details of the person playing the role of patient.

[0..*] subjectOf1

A link to an Observation that this role is the subject of.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] consent (Consent)
[0..1] subjectOf2

A link to an Observation that this role is the subject of.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] preferredContactMethod (PreferredContactMethod)

A link to details of the patient's preferred contact method.

[0..1] subjectOf3

A link to an Observation that this role is the subject of.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] healthspaceRegistration (HealthspaceRegistration)

A link to details of the patient's HealthSpace registration status.

[0..1] subjectOf4

A link to an Observation that this role is the subject of.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] preferredWrittenCommunicationFormat (PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat)

A link to details of the patient's preferred written communication format.

[0..1] subjectOf5

A link to an Observation that this role is the subject of.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] sharedSecret (SharedSecret)

A link to details of the patient's shared secret.

[0..1] subjectOf7

A link to an Observation that this role is the subject of.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] deathNotification (DeathNotification)

A link to details of the patient's death notification status.


Parent class linking to and containing information about a patient which is specific to the person.

Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:EntityClass } ) { Fixed="PSN" }

Indicates that this is a Person entity.

[1..1] [M] determinerCode (CS {CNE:EntityDeterminer } ) { Fixed="INSTANCE" }

Indicates that this is an Instance of a person.

[0..1] administrativeGenderCode (CS {CNE:Sex } )

The administrative gender of the person.

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the Sex vocabulary.

Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:

  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added" or "altered". This item cannot be "removed".

[0..1] birthTime (TS)

The date (and optionally time) of birth of the person.

The particular flavours of the timestamp datatype allowed here are:

  • Date and Time
  • Date Only

Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:

  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added" or "altered". This item cannot be "removed".

[0..1] deceasedTime (TS)

The date (and optionally time) of death of the person.

The particular flavours of the timestamp datatype allowed here are:

  • Date and Time
  • Date Only
Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed".

This attribute should be used in the following way:

  • If the updateMode is set to "removed", the value attribute shall not be present.
  • If the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered", the value attribute shall be present.
  • The value of the updateMode attribute shall be the same as the value of the updateMode attribute of the deathNotification class.
[0..1] multipleBirthOrderNumber (INT)

Describes the sequence in the case of multiple births (e.g. twins, triplets etc.). For births that are not a part of a multiple birth, this will be set to 1.

The value must be in the range 1-9. The values 1-7 are interpreted literally; values 8 and 9 carry special meaning as follows:

  • 8 indicates 'Not applicable'
  • 9 indicates 'Not known'

This is in accordance with the NHS Data Dictionary.

Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed".

This attribute should be used in the following way:

  • If the updateMode is set to "removed", the value attribute shall not be present.
  • If the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered", the value attribute shall be present.
[0..*] name (SET<PN>)

Name(s) of the person.

The particular flavour of the person name datatype used here is Person name structured with use (number 6 in the datatypes description). This means that the name will contain the following components:

  • A family element to carry the surname or family name of the person (optional)
  • Up to 2 given elements to carry the given names of the person. If the person has more than 2 given names, these will be concatenated in the second given name attribute with a space between each name. The order of the elements is also significant, so the first occurrence of the given element will carry the first given name, and the second occurrence will carry the second, third, etc. given names (optional)
  • A prefix element to carry a prefix for the name, such as Mr, Mrs, etc. (optional)
  • A suffix element to carry a suffix for the name, such as Jnr, Snr, etc. (optional)
  • A use attribute to denote the type of name (mandatory)
  • A validTime element to contain the dates for which the name is / was current as a range, supplied in the low and high sub-elements. Both the low and high sub-elements are optional, allowing open-ended ranges to be specified. The particular flavour of the timestamp datatype used here is Date Only. This means that the dates must be in the format YYYYMMDD. (optional)
Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered", or "removed" (mandatory)
  • An id attribute to carry the PDS allocated object identifier for the data item (optional)

These attributes should be used in the following way:

  • If the updateMode is set to "removed", the id attribute is mandatory, and none of the other optional attributes and elements shall be present. The value of the use attribute associated with the name data item identified by the id attribute must not be "L" (usual), as a usual name cannot be removed.
  • If the updateMode is set to "altered", the id attribute is mandatory. The use attribute must contain the same value already associated with the name data item identified by the id attribute. (The value of the use attribute cannot be altered using this mechanism; in order to do so, the item must first be removed and then added again with the new use value.)
  • If the updateMode is set to "added", the id attribute must not be present.
Note: Family name must be mandatory when a name is being added or altered.
[0..1] birthplace (Birthplace)

A link to details of the person's birthplace.

[0..1] languageCommunication (LanguageCommunication)

A link to details of the person's language preferences.

[0..*] playedOtherProviderPatient (OtherProviderPatient)

A link to information about the patient while in the care of other providers.

[0..*] scopedRelatedPersonRole (RelatedPersonRole)

A link to details of person(s) related to the person..


Details of a person's place of birth.

Used by: Person
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:RoleClass } ) { Fixed="BIRTHPL" }

Indicates that this is a Birthplace role.

[1..1] [M] addr (AD)
Address of the birthplace.

The particular flavour of the address datatype used here is Address fully structured (format 3 in the datatypes description), with a coded country (AD.NPfIT.CodedCountry).

This means that the address will contain the following components:

  • A country element to carry a country (optional). This element will contain a code with code system, as follows:
    • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the CountryOrUkInternalCode vocabulary
    • The codeSystem attribute will contain a valid OID from the CountryOrUkInternalCode vocabulary
  • A county element to carry a county or metropolitan district (optional)
  • A city element to carry a town or city (optional)
At least one of the above components shall be present where place of birth is being added or altered.

Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered", or "removed" (mandatory)

This attribute should be used in the following way:

  • If the updateMode is set to "removed", none of the optional elements above shall be present.

Details of people related to the patient. These may be proxy, legal guardian, or family/close contact type relationships.

Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered", or "removed" (mandatory)

NB If an NHS Number is given in the id attribute of the RelatedPatient class, the following attributes and links will not be present: addr, telecom, subjectOf1 (linking to PreferredContactMethod), subjectOf3 (linking to CallCentreCallBackConsent), subjectOf2 (linking to PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat).

Used by: Person
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:x_RelatedPerson } )

Indicates the type of related person role.

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The classCode attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the x_RelatedPerson vocabulary.

[0..1] addr (AD)

Address of the related person.

The particular flavour of the address datatype used here is Address streetAddressLine Typed (format 2 in the datatypes description), plus:

  • Optional Postcode
  • Optional Address Key
  • No Description
  • Mandatory Use
  • Optional Useable period

This means that the address will contain the following components:

  • Between one and five streetAddressLine elements. Excludes postcode, may be vernacular or PAF-derived. For vernacular addresses, the following formatting convention should be used:
    • Line 1: premises ID
    • Line 2: no. / thoroughfare
    • Line 3: locality
    • Line 4: post town
    • Line 5: county
    • Lines 1 or 2 and line 4 are mandatory
  • A postalCode element to carry a postcode (optional)
  • An addressKey element to carry a PAF key (optional)
  • The use attribute to denote the type of address. Only the value "H" (Home address) is permitted here. (mandatory)
  • A useablePeriod element to contain the dates for which the address is / was current as a range, supplied in the low and high sub-elements. Both the low and high sub-elements are optional, allowing open-ended ranges to be specified. (optional)

This field must not be present where an NHS Number is given in the id attribute of the RelatedPatient class.

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered" (and no NHS Number is given in the id attribute of the RelatedPatient class)

[0..1] code (CS {CNE:PersonRelationshipType } )

Indicates further typing of the related person within the overall related person role, i.e. the type of agent (proxy), guardian or personal relationship.

This is mandatory when a related person is added or altered, and not used when a related person details are being removed.

This shall not be provided where the updateMode is removed

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the PersonRelationshipType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[0..1] effectiveTime (IVL<TS>)

The time period in which the relationship was valid, represented as a range, supplied in the low and high sub-elements. Both the low and high sub-elements are optional, allowing open-ended ranges to be specified.

The particular flavour of the timestamp datatype used here is Date Only. This means that the dates must be in the format YYYYMMDD.

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute may optionally be present when the updateMode is set to "added"
  • This attribute may optionally be present when the updateMode is set to "altered"

[0..1] id (II)
A unique identifier for the related person details. This identifier is allocated by the PDS.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute will contain the PDS Allocated Object Identifier

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "altered" or "removed"
  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "added"
[0..1] positionNumber (INT)

The order in which contact should normally be made with the related person. (Also known as contact ranking.) The value must be in the range 1-99.

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"

[0..*] telecom (SET<TEL>)

Telecommunication address(es) of the patient.

The particular flavour of the telecommunication address datatype used here is Telecommunication address plus use.

This means that the telecommunication address will contain the following components:

  • The value attribute to carry the telecommunication number or address (optional). This is expressed as a URL. The URL scheme is mandatory and must be one of the following values:
    • tel:
    • fax:
    • mailto:
    • textphone: (This is not an officially-registered URI scheme)
  • The use attribute to denote the type of telecommunication address (mandatory)
  • A useablePeriod element to contain the dates for which the telecommunication address is / was current as a range, supplied in the low and high sub-elements. Both the low and high sub-elements are optional, allowing open-ended ranges to be specified. This mechanism allows previous, current and future telecommunication addresses of any of the valid use types to be distinguished. (optional)

This field must not be present where an NHS Number is given in the id attribute of the RelatedPatient class.

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"

[0..1] player (RelatedPerson)

A link to details of the person playing the role of related person.

This link shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This link shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This link shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"

[0..1] part

A link to a role that is a Part of this role.

This link shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This link shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:RoleLinkType } ) { Fixed="PART" }

Indicates that this is a Part role link.

[1..1] partCorrespondence (Correspondence)

A link to details of the correspondence status of the related person.

[0..1] part3

A link to a role that is a Part of this role.

This link shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This link shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:RoleLinkType } ) { Fixed="PART" }

Indicates that this is a Part role link.

[1..1] partNextOfKin (NextOfKin)

A link to details of the next of kin status of the related person.

[0..1] subjectOf1

A link to an Observation that this role is the subject of.

This must not be present where an NHS Number is given in the id attribute of the RelatedPatient class.

This link shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This link shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] preferredContactMethod (PreferredContactMethod)

A link to details of a person's preferred contact method.

[0..1] subjectOf2

A link to an Observation that this role is the subject of.

This must not be present where an NHS Number is given in the id attribute of the RelatedPatient class.

This link shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This link shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] preferredWrittenCommunicationFormat (PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat)

A link to details of the patient's preferred written communication format.

[0..1] subjectOf3

A link to an Observation that this role is the subject of.

This is only relevant where the role type is 'AGNT' (Agent - used for Proxies).

This must not be present where an NHS Number is given in the id attribute of the RelatedPatient class.

This link shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of RelatedPersonRole in the following way:

  • This link shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] callCentreCallBackConsent (CallCentreCallBackConsent)

A link to details of a person's consent status for call centre call-back


Parent class linking to and containing information about a related person which is specific to the person.

NB If an NHS Number is given in the id attribute of the RelatedPatient class, the name attribute will not be present.

Used by: RelatedPersonRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:EntityClass } ) { Fixed="PSN" }

Indicates that this is a Person entity.

[1..1] [M] determinerCode (CS {CNE:EntityDeterminer } ) { Fixed="INSTANCE" }

Indicates that this is an Instance of a person.

[0..1] name (PN)
Name of the person. This will be the Usual (Current) name type only.

The particular flavour of the person name datatype used here is Person name structured with use (number 6 in the datatypes description). This means that the name will contain the following components:

  • A family element to carry the surname or family name of the person (optional). Family name must be mandatory when a name is being added or altered.
  • Up to 2 given elements to carry the given names of the person. If the person has more than 2 given names, these will be concatenated in the second given name attribute with a space between each name. The order of the elements is also significant, so the first occurrence of the given element will carry the first given name, and the second occurrence will carry the second, third, etc. given names (optional)
  • A prefix element to carry a prefix for the name, such as Mr, Mrs, etc. (optional)
  • A suffix element to carry a suffix for the name, such as Jnr, Snr, etc. (optional)
  • A use attribute to denote the type of name (mandatory)
  • A validTime element to contain the dates for which the name is / was current as a range, supplied in the low and high sub-elements. Both the low and high sub-elements are optional, allowing open-ended ranges to be specified. (optional)

This field must not be present where an NHS Number is given in the id attribute of the RelatedPatient class, otherwise it must be present.

[0..1] languageCommunication (LanguageCommunication)

A link to details of the person's language preferences.

[0..1] playedRelatedPatient (RelatedPatient)

A link to details of the related person when playing the role of patient.


Details of the related person when playing a role of patient.

Used by: RelatedPerson
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:RoleClass } ) { Fixed="PAT" }

Indicates that this is a patient role.

[1..1] [M] id (II)

The current NHS number of the patient. This will be the new style NHS Number only.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

If it is an NHS Number:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute will contain the NHS Number

If it is an Old Format or Temporary NHS Number:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute will contain the Old Format or Temporary NHS Number


Parent class containing details of a person's language preferences, where the preferred language is not English.

In addition to the attributes below, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed" (mandatory)

Used by: RelatedPerson
[0..1] languageCode (CS {CNE:HumanLanguage } )

The Coded Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the HumanLanguage vocabulary.

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of LanguageCommunication in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"

[0..1] preferenceInd (BL) { Fixed="true" }
Indicates whether that the language is preferred by the person.

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of LanguageCommunication in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"

[0..1] proficiencyLevelCode (CV {CNE:InterpreterRequiredIndicator } )

Indicates whether an interpreter is required for this person.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the InterpreterRequired vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of LanguageCommunication in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"


Details of a person's preferred contact method.

In addition to the attributes below, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed" (mandatory)
Used by: RelatedPersonRole,PatientRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="OBS" }

Indicates that this is an Observation act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType } ) { Fixed="9" }

Indicates the type of observation. In this case, the observation is that of a person's preferred contact method.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain the value "9" (Preferred contact method) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[0..1] value (CV {CNE:PreferredContactMethod } )

The value of the preferred contact method.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the PreferredContactMethod vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of PreferredContactMethod in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"

[0..1] pertinentInformation
A link to information which is pertinent in some unspecified way.

This link shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of PreferredContactMethod in the following way:

  • This link shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This link may optionally be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ActRelationshipType } ) { Fixed="PERT" }

Indicates Pertinent Information.

[1..1] pertinentPreferredContactTimes (PreferredContactTimes)

A link to details of the person's preferred contact times.


Details of a person's preferred contact times.

NB The update mode of this class is the same as the update mode of the PreferredContactMethod class.

Used by: PreferredContactMethod
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="OBS" }

Indicates that this is an Observation act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType } ) { Fixed="10" }

Indicates the type of observation. In this case, the observation is that of a person's preferred contact times.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain the value "10" (Preferred contact times) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[1..1] [M] value (ST)

Text describing preferred contact times, e.g. "Evenings Only".


Details of a correspondence role.

Used by: RelatedPersonRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:RoleClass } ) { Fixed="CON" }

Indicates that this is a Contact role.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:CorrespondenceCode } ) { Fixed="1" }

Indicates whether correspondence for the patient should be copied to the related person.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain value "1" (Yes) from the CorrespondenceCode vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

Details of a person's consent status for call centre call-back. In addition to the attributes below, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed" (mandatory)
Used by: RelatedPersonRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="OBS" }

Indicates that this is an Observation act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:DemographicConsentObservationType } ) { Fixed="6" }
A code to indicate the type of consent.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain the value "6" (Call centre call-back consent) from the list of codes in the DemographicConsentObservationType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[0..1] value (CV {CNE:Consent } )
The value of the consent status.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the Consent vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of Consent in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"


Details of the patient's preferred written communication format.

In addition to the attributes below, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed".
Used by: RelatedPersonRole,PatientRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="OBS" }

Indicates that this is an Observation act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType } ) { Fixed="13" }

Indicates the type of observation. In this case, the observation is that of the patient's preferred written communication format.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain the value "13" (Preferred written communication format) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[0..1] value (CV {CNE:PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat } )

The preferred written communication format.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:
  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of PreferredWrittenCommunicationFormat in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"


Details of a next of kin role.

Used by: RelatedPersonRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:RoleClass } ) { Fixed="NOK" }

Indicates that this is a Next Of Kin role.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:NOKCode } ) { Fixed="1" }

Indicates whether the related person is a next of kin.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain value "1" (Yes) from the NoKCode vocabulary;
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."


Parent class linking to information about the patient while in the care of other providers.

Used by: Person
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:RoleClass } ) { Fixed="PAT" }

Indicates that this is a Patient role.

[1..1] [M] subjectOf

A link to a PatientCareProvision that this role is the subject of.

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="SBJ" }

Indicates that this is a Subject participation.

[1..1] [M] patientCareProvision (PatientCareProvision)

A link to details of patient care provision given by a health care provider.


Parent class linking to and containing information about a primary care organisation or nominated pharmacy responsible for a patient over a period of time.

Additionally, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered", or "removed" (mandatory)
Used by: OtherProviderPatient
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="PCPR" }

Indicates that this is a Patient Care Provision act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[0..1] code (CV {CNE:PatientCareProvisionType } )

Indicates the type of patient care provision.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the PatientCareProvisionType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

NB Only one of each type of pharmacy data ("P1","P2" or "P3") can be provided.

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of PatientCareProvision in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"

[0..1] effectiveTime (IVL<TS>)

The effective dates for the care provision relationship represented as a range, supplied in the low and high sub-elements. Both the low and high sub-elements are optional, allowing open-ended ranges to be specified.

May only be present where the PatientCareProvisionType is "1" (Primary care).

The effective from date (the low sub-element) must not be in the future.

The particular flavour of the timestamp datatype used here is Date Only. This means that the dates must be in the format YYYYMMDD.

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of PatientCareProvision in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" (and the PatientCareProvisionType is "1" (Primary care))
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "altered" (and the PatientCareProvisionType is "1" (Primary care))

[0..1] id (II)
A unique identifier for the patient care provision details. This identifier is allocated by the PDS.

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute will contain the PDS Allocated Object Identifier

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of PatientCareProvision in the following way:

  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "altered" or "removed"
  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "added"
  • If the updateMode is set to "removed", this attribute must not refer to an object where the PatientCareProvision class code attribute is set to "1" (Primary care), as GP registrations cannot be removed using this message.
[0..1] performer

A link to the Performer of this PatientCareProvision.

This link shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of PatientCareProvision in the following way:

  • This link shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This link must be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"

[1..1] [M] typeCode (CS {CNE:ParticipationType } ) { Fixed="PRF" }

Indicates that this is a performer.

[1..1] assignedOrganization (AssignedOrganization)

A link to details of the organisation which is the performer of the patient care provision.


The organisation acting as health care provider, i.e. performing the patient care provision.

Used by: PatientCareProvision
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:RoleClass } ) { Fixed="ASSIGNED" }

Indicates that this is an Assigned role.

[1..1] [M] id (II)

The identifier of the assigned organisation acting as health care provider. This will be one of:

  • GP Practice Code - where the PatientCareProvisionType is "1" (Primary Care)
  • National Pharmacy Code - where the PatientCareProvisionType is "P1","P2" or "P3"

The Identifier External datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

If it is a GP Practice Code or National Pharmacy Code:

  • The root attribute will contain an OID with the value "2.16.840.1.113883."
  • The extension attribute will contain the GP Practice Code or National Pharmacy Code

Details of a person's consent status for care record sharing or call centre call-back.

In addition to the attributes below, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed" (mandatory)
Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="OBS" }
Indicates that this is an Observation act.
[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:DemographicConsentObservationType } )
A code to indicate the type of consent.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the DemographicConsentObservationType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of Consent in the following way:

  • If the updateMode is set to "removed", this attribute may only be set to "6" (Call centre call-back consent)

[0..1] effectiveTime (TS)
The date the consent value last changed.

Shall be present where the type of consent is "4" (Consent to NHS Care Record sharing), and must not be present otherwise.

The Date Only datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The value attribute will contain the date value in the format YYYYMMDD

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of Consent in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered" (and the type of consent is Consent to NHS Care Record sharing).

[0..1] value (CV {CNE:Consent } )
The value of the consent status.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the Consent vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of Consent in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"


The death notification status of the patient.

In addition to the attributes below, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed" (mandatory)

This attribute should be used in the following way:

  • The value of the updateMode attribute shall contain the same value as the updateMode attribute of the deceasedTime attribute of the Person class
Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="OBS" }

Indicates that this is an Observation act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType } ) { Fixed="3" }

Indicates the type of observation. In this case, the observation is that of the death notification status of the patient.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain the value "3" (Death notification) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[0..1] value (CV {CNE:DeathNotification } )

The value of the death notification status.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the DeathNotification vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

NB Only DSA, NSTS, NN4B and ONS can update the PDS with the value "2" (Formal)

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of DeathNotification in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"


Details of the patient's registration status with HealthSpace.

In addition to the attributes below, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed".
Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="OBS" }

Indicates that this is an Observation act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType } ) { Fixed="8" }

Indicates the type of observation. In this case, the observation is that of the HealthSpace registration status of the patient.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain the value "8" (HealthSpace registration) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[0..1] value (CV {CNE:HealthspaceRegistration } )

The value of the HealthSpace registration status.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain a value from the list of codes in the HealthspaceRegistration vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of HealthspaceRegistration in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"


Details of the patient's shared secret.

In addition to the attributes below, in order to control the update semantics, the following will also be present:
  • An updateMode attribute to indicate whether the item should be "added", "altered" or "removed".
Used by: PatientRole
[1..1] [M] classCode (CS {CNE:ActClass } ) { Fixed="OBS" }

Indicates that this is an Observation act.

[1..1] [M] moodCode (CS {CNE:ActMood } ) { Fixed="EVN" }

Indicates that this is an Event.

[1..1] [M] code (CV {CNE:DemographicObservationType } ) { Fixed="15" }

Indicates the type of observation. In this case, the observation is that of the patient's shared secret.

The Coded with Code System datatype flavour is used to carry this information as follows:

  • The code attribute will contain the value "15" (Shared secret) from the list of codes in the DemographicObservationType vocabulary
  • The codeSystem attribute will contain the OID "2.16.840.1.113883."
[0..1] value (ST)

The patient's shared secret, also known as certificate text, is a string of encrypted characters.

This attribute shall be used in conjunction with the updateMode attribute of SharedSecret in the following way:

  • This attribute shall not be present when the updateMode is set to "removed"
  • This attribute shall be present when the updateMode is set to "added" or "altered"